
Apache setup for multiple sites with common files

I have approx 50 sites that all use the exact same files other than CSS and IMAGES, i currently duplicate the files each time i create a new site and upload different css and images. What I want do so set up each vhost to have the same DocumentRoot then add AliasMatch for the css and images folders e.g: #Common Files VHOST <VirtualHos...

What causes "suexec policy violation" when Perl is called via server side include?

I'm working on a Perl script which is called from a server side include on an Apache 2 server. The script is displaying the generic "Internal Server Error" page rather than showing me the actual error. When I check the Apache error log, I see these messages: unable to include "/foobar/" in parsed file /home/foouser/domains/foosi...

Can I run my mod_perl aplication as an ordinary user

Can I run my mod_perl aplication as an ordinary user similar to running a plain vanilla CGI application under suexec? ...

taint-mode perl: preserve suid when running external program via system()

I'm trying to add a feature to a legacy script. The script is suid, and uses perl -T (taint mode: man perlsec), for extra security. The feature I need to add is implemented in Python. My problem is that I can't convince perlsec to preserve the suid permissions, no matter how much I launder the environment and my command lines. This is...