



I am on Oracle 10g. I have a table that contains all the files stored in the system during the past year. I want to make statistical monthly deposits, grouping them by file size. eg

100m +

So my results would look like :

Month, 0-1m, 1m-10m, 10m-100m, 100mplus
2009-03, 999, 999, 999, 999

I want to use Oracle's analytic functions but they are not familiar to me.

Your help would be greatly appreciated.

update: I have this query which gives me a flat list.

select mois, groupement, count(*) nb
  select to_char(vercdate,'YYYY-MM') mois, 
            when datasize > 1024*1024*1024 then 'Go'
            when datasize > 1024*1024*100 then '100Mo'
            when datasize > 1024*1024*10 then '10Mo'
            when datasize > 1024*1024 then '1Mo'
            else '0Mo'
          end groupement
    from table
    where lower(filetype) = 'pdf'
where groupement <> '0Mo'
GROUP by mois, groupement

which gives something like :

2007-08 1Mo 745
2007-08 10Mo 48
2007-09 1Mo 973
2007-09 10Mo 175
2007-09 100Mo 1
2007-10 1Mo 913
2007-10 10Mo 64
2007-11 1Mo 828
2007-11 10Mo 71
2007-12 1Mo 456
2007-12 10Mo 24
2007-12 100Mo 1
2008-01 1Mo 693

Now I have to make the analytical part.


this is too much work to do if from scratch. those key words can help you Decode, Sum Over (Partition By).

Henry Gao
thanks, this is helpful
Jean-Philippe Martin
+1  A: 

I don't see the analytical part - it just looks like you need to pivot the data, like so:

WITH example AS (
     SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM t.vercdate) 'y',
            EXTRACT(MONTH FROM t.vercdate) 'm',
              WHEN t.datasize > 1024*1024*1024 THEN 'Go'
              WHEN t.datasize > 1024*1024*100 THEN '100Mo'
              WHEN t.datasize > 1024*1024*10 THEN '10Mo'
              WHEN t.datasize > 1024*1024 THEN '1Mo'
              ELSE '0Mo'
            END groupement
       FROM TABLE t
      WHERE LOWER(t.filetype) = 'pdf')
SELECT t.mois,
       CASE WHEN t.groupement = '1Mo' THEN t.nb ELSE NULL END '0-1m',
       CASE WHEN t.groupement = '10Mo' THEN t.nb ELSE NULL END '1m-10m',
       CASE WHEN t.groupement = '100Mo' THEN t.nb ELSE NULL END '10m-100m',
  FROM (SELECT e.y || '-' || e.m mois, 
               COUNT(e.*) 'nb'
          FROM example e
         WHERE e.groupement != '0Mo'
      GROUP BY e.y, e.m, e.groupement) t

Reference: EXTRACT

OMG Ponies
Thanks for that, I've never seen "WITH blah AS" or the EXTRACT function before.
WITH syntax is called subquery factoring in Oracle, and is supported in Oracle 9i+.
OMG Ponies