I've started a new project and they have a very normalized database. everything that can be a lookup is stored as the foreign key to the lookup table. this is normalized and fine, but I end up doing 5 table joins for the simplest queries.
from va in VehicleActions
join vat in VehicleActionTypes on va.VehicleActionTypeId equals vat.VehicleActionTypeId
join ai in ActivityInvolvements on va.VehicleActionId equals ai.VehicleActionId
join a in Agencies on va.AgencyId equals a.AgencyId
join vd in VehicleDescriptions on ai.VehicleDescriptionId equals vd.VehicleDescriptionId
join s in States on vd.LicensePlateStateId equals s.StateId
where va.CreatedDate > DateTime.Now.AddHours(-DateTime.Now.Hour)
select new {va.VehicleActionId,a.AgencyCode,vat.Description,vat.Code,
vd.LicensePlateNumber,LPNState = s.Code,va.LatestDateTime,va.CreatedDate}
I'd like to recommend that we denormaize some stuff. like the state code. I don't see the state codes changing in my lifetime. similar story with the 3-letter agency code. these are handed out by the agency of agencies and will never change.
When I approached the DBA with the state code issue and the 5 table joins. i get the response that "we are normalized" and that "joins are fast".
Is there a compelling argument to denormalize? I'd do it for sanity if nothing else.
the same query in T-SQL:
SELECT VehicleAction.VehicleActionID
, Agency.AgencyCode AS ActionAgency
, VehicleActionType.Description
, VehicleDescription.LicensePlateNumber
, State.Code AS LPNState
, VehicleAction.LatestDateTime AS ActionLatestDateTime
, VehicleAction.CreatedDate
VehicleActionType ON VehicleAction.VehicleActionTypeId = VehicleActionType.VehicleActionTypeId INNER JOIN
ActivityInvolvement ON VehicleAction.VehicleActionId = ActivityInvolvement.VehicleActionId INNER JOIN
Agency ON VehicleAction.AgencyId = Agency.AgencyId INNER JOIN
VehicleDescription ON ActivityInvolvement.VehicleDescriptionId = VehicleDescription.VehicleDescriptionId INNER JOIN
State ON VehicleDescription.LicensePlateStateId = State.StateId
Where VehicleAction.CreatedDate >= floor(cast(getdate() as float))