I'm not a Java programmer at all. I try to avoid it at all costs actually, but it is required that I use it for a class (in the school sense). The teacher requires that we use Socket(), BufferedReader(), PrintWriter() and various other things including BufferedReader()'s readLine() method.
Basically, this is the problem I'm having. The documentation clearly states that readLine should return a null at the end of the input stream, but that's not what's happening.
Socket link = new Socket(this.address, 80);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( link.getInputStream() ));
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter( new PrintWriter( link.getOutputStream(), true ));
out.print("GET blah blah blah"); // http request by hand
out.flush(); // send the get please
while( (s=in.readLine()) != null ) {
// prints the html correctly, hooray!!
Instead of finishing at the end of the HTML, I get a blank line, a 0 and another blank line and then the next in.readLine() hangs forever. Why? Where's my null?
I tried out.close() to see if maybe Yahoo! was doing a persistent http session or something (which I don't think it would without the header that we're willing to do it).
All the Java sockets examples I'm finding on the net seem to indicate the while loop is the correct form. I just don't know enough Java to debug this.