You can find all tables with a certain schema name like:
select name from sys.tables where schema_name(schema_id) = 'audit'
With a cursor, you iterate over those tables, and empty them using TRUNCATE TABLE:
use db
declare @query nvarchar(max)
declare @tablename nvarchar(max)
declare @curs cursor
set @curs = cursor for select name from sys.tables
where schema_name(schema_id) = 'audit'
open @curs
fetch next from @curs into @tablename
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
set @query = N'truncate table audit.' + @tablename
exec sp_executesql @query
fetch next from @curs into @tablename
close @curs
deallocate @curs
If you want to delete the tables instead, use:
set @query = N'drop table audit.' + @tablename