is it possible to have a url that has a param with an & embedded in the value (eg &FirmName=Test&Firm) and not have the browser treat that & in the value as the beginning of another param???
Yes, just encode the "&" using URL encoding ("%26")
Most web programming frameworks have functions that take a string and URL-encode it
2009-10-16 14:49:31
i already tried that....i am urlencoding the string...for some reason the browser doesnt recognize that i did that and doesnt populate the form...
2009-10-16 14:55:32
Are you sure the server side code is actually using the query string input in this manner?
2009-10-16 14:56:42
also, did you make sure to decode it on the server side?
2009-10-16 15:16:52
The browser won't automatically populate a form based on the querystring - you need to do that serverside and print out value="..." for each input.
2009-10-16 15:26:48
problem is that the server side code that generates the jsp page is out of my there a way i can fool the browser...there is no way for me to get to the server side code....heres what happens....i assemble the url on my side...after url encoding it i send it over to a jsp page that is basically hosted by salesforce that generates an intermediate form on the server and then when i move from the intermediate form to the form where the data is to be displayed that form is empty because of the above problem...
2009-10-16 18:31:11