




I'm learning Objective-C using GNUStep in my Windows(Cygwin) and i have two files, one source and one make file:

include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/common.make

APP_NAME = HelloWorld
HelloWorld_HEADERS = 
HelloWorld_OBJC_FILES = main.m

include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/application.make

But when i run make in the directory i'm getting this errors:

GNUmakefile:1: /common.make: No such file or directory
GNUmakefile:8: /application.make: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `/application.make'.  Stop.

What is wrong?

+4  A: 

The GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES variable needs to be set to point to the directory that has that commmon.make file in it. K

Karl T.
How can i set it? because i'm a C/C++ developer, but i don't like to use makefiles, now i'm needing to learn. Thanks.
Nathan Campos
Remember that i know here are this files.
Nathan Campos
First, locate that common.make file. Once you know where that is, you can edit the makefile and put something likeGNUSTEP_MAKEFILES=/path/name up at the top before the variable is used, or you can set an environment variable(export GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES=/path/name) before invoking make. Here is a link to a make tutorial that should get you started with make:
Karl T.
+1  A: 

You haven't set the value of the GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES variable. You have two ways to achieve this:

  1. Use an environment variable: export GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES=/the/path/you/want.
  2. Set it directly in the Makefile: put a line GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES = /the/path/you/want in the Makefile somewhere before you use it.