Do we have to explicitly define a default constructor when we define a copy constructor for a class?? Please give reasons.
class A
int i;
A(A& a)
i = a.i//Ok this is corrected....
A() { } /Is this required if we write the above copy constructor??
Also, if we define any other parameterized constructor for a class other than the copy constructor, do we also have to define the default constructor?? Consider the above code without the copy constructor and replace it with
A(int z)
z.i = 10;
Alrite....After seeing the answers I wrote the following program.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class X
int i;
X(int ii);
void print();
//X::X() { }
X::X(int ii)
i = ii;
void X::print()
cout<<"i = "<<i<<endl;
int main(void)
X x(10);
//X x1;
ANd this program seems to be working fine without the default constructor. Please explain why is this the case?? I am really confused with the concept.....