



Hi all

We are planning to upgrade our test server and to do so we were planning on buying a 64 bit machine from Dell running Windows 2008 x64 Web edition.

However, for now we would like to continue to use 32 bit Coldfusion 8.

Is there anything to stop us doing this, or do we have to move to 64 bit Coldfusion 8?

Has anyone had any problems running 32 bit CF on 64 bit Windows recently? I see some people have had issues before (not on Windows however) but I am assured by others that it will work just fine.

Many thanks in advance. Ciaran

+3  A: 

In my experience this works fine. However, you have to change the setup on IIS to allow 32-bit extensions, which (IIRC) disables 64-bit extensions. Which means, basically, that if all you are doing on that machine is running IIS and CF, you might not see any gain. However, if you are running other apps in 64-bit mode, need access to the memory, etc. then go for it.

Ben Doom
Thanks Ben. And for others (and myself!), here are some instructions to switch IIS from 64 bit to 32 bit:
Ciaran Archer
+1  A: 

Is there a reason you want to stick with the 32 bit version?

For 32 Bit CF on Windows 2008 x64 instructions check this blog posting which has a section on 32 bit CF...

ColdFusion 8 on Windows Server 2008

We just want to keep our test servers in step with our live servers (all 32 bit) for now. We'll upgrade to 64 bit CF on the test machine prior to getting our first 64 bit live production machines.
Ciaran Archer
Standard 8 only comes in 32-bit only. I don't know if this has changed in 9.
Ben Doom


I am from Portugal Europe, and Have just installed cold fusion in my windos 7 64 bits ultimate, but when I configure the data source there is an error.

How do I solve the oblem as I don´t change the iis becvause I need other application to run on 64 bits?

thank you for assistance.

joao PAulo
@joao: This should be posted as a separate question, not as an answer. Please use the `[Ask Question]` button at the top right of the page. Thanks!
Bill the Lizard