




Pretty simple one, but I can't find the answer.

I'm building an app in Delphi 5 Enterprise, and want my app to use the new bold black dot in a password field instead of an asterisk.

How can I do this?

+2  A: 

I'm sure it uses the standard UI font. The CharMap code is U+25CF

I dunno if this will work, but you might be able to copy this.

Daniel A. White
The problem is that in versions prior to Delphi 2009, the PasswordChar property is of type AnsiChar, which cannot hold that character. Delphi 2009 and later accept a Unicode character for that property, but according to Bruce's answer, you don't need to set the character manually because the control already shows the right character.
Rob Kennedy
+2  A: 

According to KB 956609, the dot character is Unicode 0x25cf. It isn't tied to a particular font, but the linked page specifically mentioned that IE uses the Tahoma font.

Ahmad Mageed
+9  A: 

See PasswordBox: A Better Way to Enter Passwords:

Getting the black dots to show up based on the visual style was insanely simple!

    private const int ES_PASSWORD = 0x0020;

    protected override CreateParams CreateParams
        CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams;

        cp.Style |= ES_PASSWORD;

        return cp;
Sinan Ünür
This way is better.
Daniel A. White
@Daniel A. White: Thank you. I don't know any Delphi but it ought to be fairly straightforward to translate.
Sinan Ünür
If I have a quick look in unit StdCtrls, I notice that TCustomEdit has a virtual CreateParams to override. (It even may already set the ES_PASSWORD flag when FPasswordChar<>#0
Stijn Sanders
I've overridden CreateParams and passed ES_PASSWORD (32 in decimal?) and I still get "*" instead of the new password "blob".
@Drarok Note that the code above is not setting `cp.Style` to `0x0020`. It is setting `cp.Style = cp.Style | 0x0020` where `|` is bitwise `or`.
Sinan Ünür
+1  A: 

The bold black dot in password fields is Unicode character U+25CF ("BLACK CIRCLE"). Most common fonts feature this character.

Frerich Raabe
+2  A: 

Up to Delphi 2007, using "*" for your password character would show as "*". Starting with Delphi 2009, this shows properly.

Bruce McGee
+7  A: 

Thanks to all the above attempts, and all that contributed, but I had to join all the relevant parts together to get to a whole solution.

Thanks to Sinan Ünür for pointing out the ES_PASSWORD flag, which is used by default in Delphi, but only if PasswordChar is <> #0 (NUL).

This means that when you set PasswordChar to something, it sets the ES_PASSWORD flag, and then calls SendMessage(Handle, EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR, Ord(FPasswordChar), 0); (thanks to Stijn Sanders for pointing me towards the StdCtrls source).

If I create a subclass and bypass the line sending the EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR field, I still get only stars.

What I was forgetting to do was enable themes (which in my ancient version of Delphi requires a resource file compiling in). Hey presto, it works; Blobs abound!

So, in summary:

  1. Define the ES_PASSWORD constant if you don't already have it.

      ES_PASSWORD = 32;
  2. Create a TEdit subclass and override CreateParams to include ES_PASSWORD in the window style.

    procedure TPasswordEdit.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
      Params.Style := Params.Style or ES_PASSWORD;
  3. Enable themes for your program.

And do not set the PasswordChar property. Done!

Params.Style := Params.Style or *ES_PASSWORD*;Please!
Ulrich Gerhardt