I have defined a generic tree-node class like this:
template<class DataType>
class GenericNode
GenericNode() {}
GenericNode(const DataType & inData) : mData(inData){}
const DataType & data() const
{ return mData; }
void setData(const DataType & inData)
{ mData = inData; }
size_t getChildCount() const
{ return mChildren.size(); }
const GenericNode * getChild(size_t idx) const
{ return mChildren[idx]; }
GenericNode * getChild(size_t idx)
{ return mChildren[idx]; }
void addChild(GenericNode * inItem)
{ mChildren.push_back(inItem); }
DataType mData;
typedef std::vector<GenericNode*> Children;
Children mChildren;
typedef GenericNode<std::string> TreeItemInfo;
And I would like to make it more generic by making the child pointer type customizable. For example to allow using a smart pointer type. Naively I tried this:
template<class DataType, class ChildPtr>
class GenericNode
GenericNode() {}
GenericNode(const DataType & inData) : mData(inData){}
const DataType & data() const
{ return mData; }
void setData(const DataType & inData)
{ mData = inData; }
size_t getChildCount() const
{ return mChildren.size(); }
const ChildPtr getChild(size_t idx) const
{ return mChildren[idx]; }
ChildPtr getChild(size_t idx)
{ return mChildren[idx]; }
void addChild(ChildPtr inItem)
{ mChildren.push_back(inItem); }
DataType mData;
typedef std::vector<ChildPtr> Children;
Children mChildren;
typedef GenericNode<std::string, GenericNode<std::string > * > TreeItemInfo;
However, that doesn't work of course because I need to specify the second parameter for the second parameter for the second parameter etc... into eternity.
Is there a way to solve this puzzle?
I found a solution based on @Asaf's answer. For those interested, below is a full code sample (comments are welcome).
I modified the interface so that externally always raw pointers are used.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <assert.h>
template <class PointeeType>
struct NormalPointerPolicy
typedef PointeeType* PointerType;
static PointeeType* getRaw(PointerType p)
return p;
template <class PointeeType>
struct SharedPointerPolicy
typedef boost::shared_ptr<PointeeType> PointerType;
static PointeeType* getRaw(PointerType p)
return p.get();
template <class DataType, template <class> class PointerPolicy>
class GenericNode
GenericNode() { }
GenericNode(const DataType & inData) : mData(inData) { }
typedef GenericNode<DataType, PointerPolicy> This;
typedef typename PointerPolicy<This>::PointerType ChildPtr;
const This * getChild(size_t idx) const
{ return PointerPolicy<This>::getRaw(mChildren[idx]); }
This * getChild(size_t idx)
{ return PointerPolicy<This>::getRaw(mChildren[idx]); }
void addChild(This * inItem)
ChildPtr item(inItem);
const DataType & data() const
{ return mData; }
void setData(const DataType & inData)
{ mData = inData; }
DataType mData;
std::vector<ChildPtr> mChildren;
typedef GenericNode<std::string, NormalPointerPolicy> SimpleNode;
typedef GenericNode<std::string, SharedPointerPolicy> SmartNode;
int main()
SimpleNode simpleNode;
simpleNode.addChild(new SimpleNode("test1"));
simpleNode.addChild(new SimpleNode("test2"));
SimpleNode * a = simpleNode.getChild(0);
assert(a->data() == "test1");
const SimpleNode * b = static_cast<const SimpleNode>(simpleNode).getChild(1);
assert(b->data() == "test2");
SmartNode smartNode;
smartNode.addChild(new SmartNode("test3"));
smartNode.addChild(new SmartNode("test4"));
SmartNode * c = smartNode.getChild(0);
assert(c->data() == "test3");
SmartNode * d = static_cast<const SmartNode>(smartNode).getChild(1);
assert(d->data() == "test4");
return 0;