



Say you've got an open source API that you want to share with the world. What are the best ways of doing that?

Since it's open source, paying for publicity isn't an option.

  • What are some well-known websites that accept articles written by third-parties?
  • Are there things like Tucows for open source?
  • How do you learn about the latest open-source software tools?

(I was going to mention my open-source API, but decided not to, because that felt sleazy. I'm genuinely interested in an answer, not in writing a self-serving post)

+2  A: 
  • Post it on CodePlex and/or SourceForge
  • Write an article about it for CodeProject
James Curran
+1  A: 

You can play stackoverflow Jeopardy: ask a question that your API would help with and post it as an answer. Give a talk at a relevant conference, or create a sourceforge project.

David Nehme

Check this thread for more ideas...

Ben Hoffstein

This thread might be helpful as well.

Franci Penov

I only have to add: Write an interesting API that is of great value to the world and spread the word at CodePlex/Sourceforge (as said). Perhaps writing articles on how it works and what it does in your blog, then distribute them at dzone/reddit etc. will help, too.

+1  A: 

I always check for new open source software on They list more than just open source software, but the software license is prominently displayed.

Steve K
+1  A: 

I would start with making the source available via open source community sites like:

+1  A: 

One method you may want to consider if it fits with your project is to provide easy ways to integrate it with other popular programs or applications. For example, if it's web-based, you may be able to integrate it with Facebook.

Great demos and documentation also are a great way to spread the word, as are tutorials about how to use your project on third-party sites like Smashing Magazine, NetTuts, etc. There are also many script directories like HotScripts that you can submit to.

Also, there is nothing stopping you from submitting press releases to sites like ReadWriteWeb, TechCrunch, AllThingsD and a slew of others that are dedicated to tech coverage. They aren't required to cover you, but if your project is interesting enough, they might mention it. Plus it's free.

Social media is another avenue that you can pursue. If you can, you should add a social bookmarking widget like AddThis on your front page so people can easily bookmark it. You can also submit to those sites yourself. Forums are another type of social media that can be great, if used effectively.

However you promote your project, make sure that you tailor your message for the medium. Just cut-and-pasting posts into forums is spam. Make sure that you look around and see if there is an appropriate place to post and if you're not sure, ask. And if you're sending out press releases, again, tailor it to the individual site or person and contact them the way they want to be contacted.

Also, do everything you can to make it easy for people to find information within your project. Think of what will make things easiest and what will be most helpful for your users. Make it clear what problems your project solves, why, and how. If you can incorporate community in the form of help forums,error tracking, or plugin architecture, do that as well. It may take a little time away from coding, but it will pay off.

+1  A: 
  • Publish information on
  • If you've written linux/unix software go to and tell there what you've invented.
  • Go to community site related to your API (e.g. users of software you made API for) and post information there.
  • Write a lot of examples, code samples, detailed developer manuals etc. Good and valuable documentation makes wonders.
  • Detailed project's web page is absolutely necessary, it must contain detailed description of your API and what advantages it give to developer.
Sergei Stolyarov