
Shareware marketing

I make a shareware application, a good one if I say so myself. I have a listing on all major and minor download sites, which update automatically when I release a new version. My main problem is that I am only selling hundreds of licenses when I should be selling thousands. I send out press releases to most newspapers, I get full page...

Anyone have success in the Blackberry market?

We've all heard of successes by small-time software developers on the iPhone App store. Has anyone actually had success selling applications in the Blackberry ...

In what ways can you get your freeware project some exposure?

In what way can you get your freeware project some exposure? I'm more interested in answers involving downloadable desktop software. ...

Floating a New Programming Language

How does a new programming language get established? How could I design one and be famous? What steps would I need to take to get it 'Out There'? ...

What are the best ways to publicize an open-source project?

Say you've got an open source API that you want to share with the world. What are the best ways of doing that? Since it's open source, paying for publicity isn't an option. What are some well-known websites that accept articles written by third-parties? Are there things like Tucows for open source? How do you learn about the latest ...

Is this a good plugin-based software marketing scheme?

I'm in the planning stages of a rather large project (think Photoshop killer) that will be released to the public at large. Most of the features are plugable and I plan to release the plugin sdk for free. I'll also be trying to garner a bit of a community of third-party plugin developers. I'm thinking of releasing two versions of the pr...

What is the best way to get your new commercial software product some exposure?

What is the best way to get your new commercial software product some exposure? The products in questions are being added to an already huge market with a lot of other competing products: i) FTP Client ii) FTP Server ...

How to get an internship early?

What would be your advice to a young student (e.g. a college freshman) looking to get a meaningful internship in Software development Embedded systems/hardware development I've experienced firsthand how valuable such early experience can be, but unfortunately the process I went through to get my first couple internships isn't general...

How do you determine your new product's price when it is about to launch?

In what ways do you determine product price when you are about to launch your new product? Examples: Matching competition? Less than competition? More than competition? Making a price based on calculating a plan to recover your own costs? ... ...

Algorithm to order 'tag line' campaigns based on resulting sales

I want to be able to introduce new 'tag lines' into a database that are shown 'randomly' to users. (These tag lines are shown as an introduction as animated text.) Based upon the number of sales that result from those taglines I'd like the good ones to trickle to the top, but still show the others less frequently. I could come up with ...

Need RTF/doc to html converter, preferably free

I have a problem with low end users needed to convert word documents to html. Their formatting sucks and so does the standard word html conversion. I don't particularly feel like teaching marketing people html, so I was wondering what might be a good (cheap/free) solution. They are happy to copy paste text from word into RTF (as comple...

Is donation-supported free software a viable business model?

I'm working on a software product, and to mitigate piracy problems I was thinking about offering the uncrippled software for free, but requesting donations and offering various things (like website access and program enhancement files) in return (a la PBS and NPR). If the program is popular enough (and I'm assuming that a free product w...

What is the most poorly named application out there?

What application, language, or other software product name makes you cringe every time you hear it; or was just an astoundingly bad choice from a marketing perspective? One name per answer, vote up the worst. ...

What are the best ways to get Eclipse users to try a new plugin?

As the title states, what are the best places to try and recruit users to try a new Eclipse plugin? While this is a free plug-in, it is not open source, so threads on open-source tools don't apply. I'm also looking for Eclipse specific ideas, not general things like sourceforge / freshmeat / etc. I've submitted a talk proposal to Eclip...

Should I continue work on my hobby project?

I've been working on the Axial project for a while now. It converts MSIL to Javascript with tight integration with ASP.NET. You add a control that looks something like <axial:Script runat="server" MethodName="Foo" /> and the codebehind says public void Foo() { lblTest.Text = "Foo"; } and there would be a javascript function on your page...

Marketing a PowerShell/.NET open source project

How do I market a new open source project using .NET and PowerShell? The project has taken me around a years effort to get near completion, I'd appreciate some hints on how to get the word out. ...

Software Developers With Blogs...

How many of you programmers (I assume almost everyone here at Stackoverflow is) has a blog on your website in support of your software? How often do you write? What do you write about? Do you talk about competitor programs? Do you give away plans of new features that you are adding? Are you worried your competitors will read you blog an...

Software marketplace

I have currently working on a desktop application which I intend to make available for purchase. Are there any free or cost effective services/websites which I can use to sell my software and collect payment? ...

What is the best advertisement service to put on your site?

Duplicate of: What's the best online advertising Network and Deciding on a Revenue Model for a Web Application I have a site I'm currently building and I want to make it free, but support it with advertisements. I see a lot of sites using Google's Adsense program and others using Ebay & Amazon. But I noticed with StackOverflow, it looks...

Recommendations for Web Analytics engines?

I'm soon to launch a site, and would like to hear your opinions and experiences with Analytics Tools. There are many analytics solutions available, and they all vary in price, accuracy and flexibility. In your opinion, what's the best analytics solution, and why? ...