



I have a problem with low end users needed to convert word documents to html.

Their formatting sucks and so does the standard word html conversion. I don't particularly feel like teaching marketing people html, so I was wondering what might be a good (cheap/free) solution.

They are happy to copy paste text from word into RTF (as complex as formatting goes) then click a process button. I'd love a good rtf that showed them exactly what their code would look like when compiled, so they could edit, the double spaces / bad alignments and such out and compile it into nice looking html.

Can anyone help out

Regards, Nonick

+1  A: 

I've been looking for a (free) RTF2HTML converter for a while and recently stumbled upon this:

I've not evaluated it yet but it looks promising.

It won't create RTF, only parse it. Also, it doesn't handle a bunch of elements -- including tables.
+1  A: Writer

+1  A: 

Word 2007 allows you to save in html. It offers a few different option; single file web page, web page, and filter web page. The filter web page turns out fairly nice. Im sure OpenOffice offers similar tools.
