
Cleaning up RTF text

I'd like to take some RTF input and clean it to remove all RTF formatting except \ul \b \i to paste it into Word with minor format information. The command used to paste into Word will be something like: oWord.ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.Selection.PasteAndFormat(0) (with some RTF text already in the Clipboard) {\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttb...

How do I extract/insert text into RTF string in C#

In a C# console app I have the need to extract the text from an RTF string, add some more text to it, and then convert it back into RTF. I have been able to do this using the System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox class, but I find it a bit odd to use a Forms control in a non-Forms app. Any better way to do this? ...

Cross platform RTF control?

Does anyone know of an RTF control that can be used on Linux/Windows/Mac? It's unfortunate that I have to mention it, but it actually has to be able to save and open rtf files... unlike wxWidgets wxRichTextCtrl for instance. Edit: Thanks to HappySmileMan for his reply. Better still if it's more of a standalone and not a part of a large ...

Is there an RTF display widget in SWT

I would like to display an RTF document in an SWT (actually Eclipse RCP) application. I know there is a Swing widget for displaying and editing RTF text, but it is Swing and quite alien in look and feel when used in the otherwise platform (not to mention that to the last of my knowledge it did not display images and had only limited sup...

A sample for jQuery based WYSIWYG Editor demonstrate OOP javascript

Want a WYSIWYG jQuery Editor as an example to illustrate how to use jQuery to built OOP javascript component. P.S. It is so good stackoverflow can use markdown... Would be a heaven if users would love such thing too ...

How do I get a string type of a hex value that represents an upper ascii value character

Part of our app parses RTF documents and we've come across a special character that is not translating well. When viewed in Word the character is an elipsis (...), and it's encoded in the RTF as ('85). In our vb code we converted the hex (85) to int(133) and then did Chr(133) to return (...) Here's the code in C# - problem is this doe...

RTF control for .Net 1.1 Windows

Can anyone recommend a cheap and good RTF control for .Net 1.1 Windows development. It needs to be able to do print/preview and some basic text formatting, fonts etc but nothing too advanced. Cheers Andreas ...

Better Way of Manipulating RichText in C#?

I need to create and copy to the clipboard some RichText with standard "formatting" like bold/italics, indents and the like. The way I'm doing it now seems kind of inelegant... I'm creating a RichTextBox item and applying my formatting through that like so: RichTextBox rtb = new RichTextBox(); Font boldfont = new Font("Times New Roman"...

How do I convert HTML to RTF (Rich Text) in .NET without paying for a component?

Is there a free third-party or .NET class that will convert HTML to RTF (for use in a rich-text enabled Windows Forms control)? The "free" requirement comes from the fact that I'm only working on a prototype and can just load the BrowserControl and just render HTML if need be (even if it is slow) and that Developer Express is going to b...

Concatenate RTF files in PHP (REGEX)

Hi Team, I've got a script that takes a user uploaded RTF document and merges in some person data into the letter (name, address, etc), and does this for multiple people. I merge the letter contents, then combine that with the next merge letter contents, for all people records. Affectively I'm combining a single RTF document into itsel...

Regular Expression for extracting text from an RTF string

I was looking for a way to remove text from and RTF string and I found the following regex: ({\\)(.+?)(})|(\\)(.+?)(\b) However the resulting string has two right angle brackets "}" Before: {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 MS Shell Dlg 2;}{\f1\fnil MS Shell Dlg 2;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;...

Can anyone recommend a Java rich text editor?

The rich text editor must be implemented in Java, provide Swing support, and preferably be open source. I'm looking to integrate it into an existing Java/Swing application. Thanks. ...

What's a good way to process RTF-encoded files and convert them to XML?

I have never done huge amounts of RTF processing, I always used a library to read or generate one and that was a long time ago. Now I need to get more intimate with the format again, and eventually convert it to XML. Can you recommend a good path to do it so that I have a lot of control on how RTF chunks are parsed and processed? Initi...

Need RTF/doc to html converter, preferably free

I have a problem with low end users needed to convert word documents to html. Their formatting sucks and so does the standard word html conversion. I don't particularly feel like teaching marketing people html, so I was wondering what might be a good (cheap/free) solution. They are happy to copy paste text from word into RTF (as comple...

Read (and write) RTF files with C++ / Qt

Hello, I am looking for a simple C++ library for tokenizing and parsing RTF (Rich Text Format) files. I am planning to edit them with Qt's QTextEdit. More the Formatting preserved the better -- but actually I am planning to use Bold and Italics only. In perl I would use RTF::Tokenizer. It would be nice if the module had some sort of ...

Clearing \listlevel status in RTF

I am outputting RTF from a word processor component. This is working well, but there is a specific situation that is failing in that it causes Word 2000 to corrupt the document. Word 2007 is fine with the RTF though, which implies they fixed something. However, I need to be able to output RTF which will work with any version of Word. Th...

rtftextbox and hyperlinks/anchors inside document

Hello again, A few hours ago I found that it's really easy to display *.rtf document using standart .net 2.0 winforms control (RichTextBox). It's really cool that it can display even pictures, but for me there's one missing feature - hyperlinking. I prepared *.rtf document with a few hyperlinks to paragraphs inside document. Then I put t...

Auto-update pageref fields in rtf document

The application I'm working on outputs documents to rtf format and PAGEREF fields are used in a table of contents page and an index page. The problem is that on opening the document the fields do not update and remain blank. They work correctly if you manually update the fields in Word. Is there a way to make these fields auto-update in ...

Cross platform open source Doc to RTF converter

I need a doc to rtf converter that will run from the command line, and from within a Perl script (I know I'll need to use system() to run the converter). Any recommendations. Something that can be compiled statically linked so it can run on workstations as standalone binaries would be even more useful. I want to preserve things like h...

How do I convert Rtf to Text using ASP.Net?

How do I convert To Text Format from RTF using ASP.Net? ...