
Is there XSLT available for transforming WordprocessingML into RTF

I currently generate docx files programmaticaly in C#. I would like to transform my doc file into RTF. This be done with an XSLT transform. Is there a transform that is publicly available? I am also interested in trasnforming docx into PDF and HTML. ...

Special chars in single and double quoted strings

Hey! I fetch a field from a database that contains a rtf document. For Example this could look like this: {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1031{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}} {*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\lang7\f0\fs22 asdfasdf\par a\par sf\par asd\par fasd\par \b dfas\b0\par ...

Simple way to reading/writing NSAttributedString in iOS?

In Mac OS X, there is AppKit addition which supports reading and writing of NSAttributedString as RTF format. Equivalent in iOS? Should I make my own? ...

HTML2RTF. Easy way to convert HTML to RTF. Is there any?

I found this nice article about Writing Your Own RTF Converter. It converts rtf into html But there is nothing about backward conversion. How can I do that without any third-party components and additional libraries? ...

Convert Special Characters for RTF

Can someone please assist me with converting special characters to something that can be correctly represented in an RTF file? I am taking text stored in a string on the iPad and outputting it as an RTF file using NSASCIIStringEncoding. So far so good. What I've neglected to do successfully, is take into account special characters (e.g....

How to convert HTML ==> RTF in Java?

The basic API of JAVA that uses RTFEditorKit and HTMLEditorKit, is not able of recognize tags like <br/> and <table>. So I have searched on internet a better way of converting HTML to RTF and i have found two solutions that seem to work. JODConverter and HTML-to-RTFconverter. The first one needs OppenOffice installed to work and the seco...

How to discover what codepage to use when converting RTF hex literals to Unicode

I'm parsing RTF 1.5+ files generated by Word 2003+ that may have content from other languages. This content is usually encoded as hex literals (\'xx). I would like to convert these literals to unicode values. I know my document's code page by looking for ansicpg (\ansi\ansicpg1252). When I use the ansicpg codepage to decode to Unicode,...

Correctly print out a hard copy of a JTextPane with "text/rtf" content

I'm trying to print out some simple RTF-formatted text to a laser printer using a JTextPane. The result looks fine on a software PDF printer (FreePDF XP), but the text doesn't have proper space between it's formatted parts when print to a real printer. Edit: I have uploaded an example output (The bottom is the scanned printout) It s...

Store arbitrary application data in System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox

Hello, Does anyone know of a way to store arbitrary data in a RichTextBox without the user being able to see this data? The 2007 RTF specification includes annotations ("\atnid", "\atnauthor", "\annotation", etc.) but whenever I insert these into a RichTextBox's .Rtf, the annotations disappear (presumably because the RichTextBox doesn'...

Store arbitrary application data in System.Drawing.Imaging.Metafile

Hello, I have an application where I insert one or more System.Drawing.Imaging.Metafiles into a System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox. I would like to associate arbitrary appliction data with each Metafile image. This way I can recognize the identity of the inserted image later when the user right-clicks on the image and also retrieve infor...

How to print .rtf file?

How to print .rtf file using C#? (WinForms/WPF application) ...

Escape Double-Byte Characters for RTF

Hi. I am trying to escape double-byte (usually Japanese or Chinese) characters from a string so that they can be included in an RTF file. Thanks to poster falconcreek, I can successfully escape special characters (e.g. umlaut, accent, tilde) that are single-byte. - (NSString *)stringFormattedRTF:(NSString *)inputString { NSMutableString...

How to convert ODT to DOC/RTF without openoffice.org

Is there any way to convert odt documents to doc or rtf on linux without openoffice or any library that relies on having openoffice installed ? ...

Merge multiple doc or rtf files into a single doc or rtf file by using php script

Hi all, I would like to merge multiple doc or rtf files into a single file which should be the same format of multiple files. What I mean is that if a user selects multiple rtf template files from a list box and clicks on a button on web page, the output should be a single rtf file which combines multiple rtf template files, I should us...

Barcode font not loading dynamically in MS Word when generating RTF from Java using iText

Hi Folks, I am using iText API to generate RTF using Java. The RTF file is generated fine but one requirement is adding a barcode. What i did is: FontFactory.register("c:\\windows\\fonts\\FREE3OF9.ttf", "Free 3 of 9 Extended"); return FontFactory.getFont("Free 3 of 9 Extended",20, Font.NORMAL, Color.BLACK); I tried loading other font...

Free (preferably) PHP RTF to HTML converter?

Hi, I am writing a converter for an old db app which contains a large amount of user entered RTF text. Ideally, the RAW RTF should be converted to HTML for display in a browser. I have tried rtfparseclass from PHP Classes, which works ok, but seems to be thrown off but some of the embedded font definitions. For example, raw RTF like {\...