
Serializing WPF RichTextBox to XAML vs RTF

I have a RichTextBox and need to serialize its content to my database purely for storage purposes. It would appear that I have a choice between serializing as XAML or as RTF, and am wondering if there are any advantages to serializing to XAML over RTF, which I would consider as more "standard". In particular, am I losing any capability ...

looking for RTF template system with simple DSL

Is there any framework that fills up rtf document with data? The idea is to make business people/testers change the document in MsWord and than generate reports from that. The problem is with tables, Id need to create some special DSL for handling tables and showing hidding text/page parts. Id rather not do that and use some existing s...

Looking for an RTF editor to use in an Eclipse RCP application

I am making an Eclipse RCP Application in which I would like to include the possibility of editing RTF files. It would be a plus to be able to easily handle annotations. I have already looked at org.eclipse.epf.richtext and it doesn't really fit the requirements. If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it. ...

.NET RichTextBox: unable to change Rtf property.

Hey guys, Perhaps I'm missing something real simple here, but I've been struggling to change the RTF property of my RichTextBox in order to apply some color coding to my text. Probably the most straight-forward example of the problem I'm having is setting the Rtf property to include a color table in its header. The default RTF string r...

Converting the EMR_LINETO (X,Y) coordinates to twips

Hi, I am working on converting the EMF file to RTF file. I am having a problem on converting the (x,y) coordinates (in EMR_LINETO record) to twips. So please post the conversion factor. ...

How to export some data into .rtf or .doc?

Say I have created a GUI (Qt) that operates with some data(text+image). How I can export that data in one of listed formates in title. I guess it is better to export info .rtf as it is free cross-platform formt(??), isn't it? ...

loading and formating the rtf file in uiwebview

Hello everybody. I am trying to load the contents of a rtf file in the uiwebview. I am successful in loading the contents, but it is unformatted. the fonts are too large and it doesnt have any format. it displays the color of the rtf content, but not the font or size. So what should i do now. is there anyother way to load the rtf and for...

removing the rtf format and tags from nsMutableString

hello everyone. I am trying to display the contents of a rtf file in uiwebview. I do this by taking the contents of rtf into nsmutablestring and loading it into uiwebview. The problem is along with the content of rtf, the rtf tags and format is also passed in the nsmutablestring. so i the entire content is displayed along with the rtf ...

Save RTF data in My Sql database

Please tell me how to save and show Richtextbox's data in database and retrive it in saved format and which datatype should be used to save that data. i am using vb.net and MY SQL ...

Is their a way to convert DocX, OpenXml, or RTF to TextFlow in AS3?

Basically we want to be able to open up a docx file in as3 or Flex 4 and convert it to a text flow while preserving formatting, embedded images, tables, columns, etc. I know theorectically it's possible as the new Text Layout Framework is powerful enough to pull it off, but I haven't been able to find any case where someone has achieve...

In Java, retrieve a JPEG from a URL and convert it to binary or hexadecimal form suitable for embedding in an RTF document

I'm trying to write a simple RTF document pretty much from scratch in Java, and I'm trying to embed JPEGs in the document. Here's an example of a JPEG (a 2x2-pixel JPEG consisting of three white pixels and a black pixel in the upper left, if you're curious) embedded in an RTF document (generated by WordPad, which converted the JPEG to WM...

A way to overcome RichTextBox's limitations?

Hey folks, I am developing an app using WinForms and the RichTextBox control. This control allows different changes to the RTF formatting using a property to change the font of the selected text. I have a button to toggle bold on the text: richTextBoxEditor.SelectionFont = new Font(richTextBoxEditor.SelectionFont, richTextBoxEditor...

Image not displaying in ms word after converting it from Bitmap to RTF (but displaying in wordpad)

Hi, I am trying to convert a bitmap file to rtf using Delphi 2007. I used below code for conversion. function BitmapToRTF(pict: TBitmap): string; var bi, bb, rtf: string; bis, bbs: Cardinal; achar: ShortString; hexpict: string; I: Integer; begin GetDIBSizes(pict.Handle, bis, bbs); SetLength(bi, bis); SetLength(bb, bbs)...

parsing RTF templates via php

I'm trying to use an RTF file as a template for generating a new RTF document containing a page per (mysql) database row. My method almost works except that the generated file contains only one page, with the first row, and not one page for each row. (there should be 2 pages in my test). Here is the main loop. $today= date('d-m-Y'); $...

Displaying RTF in compact framework

I have been surfing for this anwser, but seems like its not supportef in CF. I have come across a solution with SDF InkX control, that can display RTF file. Can some1 please point me to a good example how to do this? thanx ...

concatenating 2 rtf fields stored in blobs with a sql script

I need to concatenate 2 rtf fields stored in 2 separate blob columns (actually they are nvarbinary(max) in sql server). I need to do this with a database script, not in an application. Is there a way? Or the only solution is to remove all the rtf headers, concatenate the "body" of the 2 fields and then recreate the headers? By headers...

How to display an .rtf file in a Powershell RichTextBox

I want to display the content of an RTF file in a Powershell RichTextBox. I am trying to make a kind of custom EULA, and the easiest way to do it would be to write the content in an RTF file and then have it display in a RichTextBox on my form, so the user has to click a checkbox to accept it. (I'm sure this sits between ServerFault an...

Adding a section break and removing header on RTF document

I'm trying the best I can to remove an header on the last page of an RTF document. So far, I know that I have to put \sect\sectd inside the rtf document. Example : \cell\pard\intbl\row\pard Your Signature \sect\sectd <---There \paperw12241\paperh15841\margl567\margr567\margt567\margb567 \pard CONDITIONS\par \s0 This is supposed t...

RichText Debugger Visualizer Gone wrong

Since I do a lot of debugging with Rich Text manipulations, I decided to write a simple "RTF Debugger Visualizer" which looks like this #region Namespaces using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.DebuggerVisualizers; using RtfVisualizer; #endregion [assembly...

How can I convert an .rtf or .doc document to LaTeX?

Unfortunately, I can't use rtf2latex2e because it says that DropUNIX "no longer supports the classic environment". I barely know what I'm doing otherwise, besides dropping my .rtf file onto the DropUNIX program. What else can I use? I don't mind which type of file it is I'm converting to LaTeX (.doc would also be OK, as long as it keep...