
What's the complete range for Chinese characters in Unicode?

U+4E00..U+9FFF is part of the complete set,but not all ...

Problem with DBCC CHECKIDENT with Chinese characters in table name

I'm maintaining an application that uses SQL Server Express 2005 as the back end. The application allows users to create new databases and provide the name for the new database. When the app is loading the default data I make the following SQL call: DBCC CHECKIDENT('[myDB].[CsSchema].[CsMyDataType]', RESEED) WITH NO_INFOMSGS The cod...

Drop-down list box not displaying chinese characters

The Drop-down list box does not display chinese characters in IE 7. Where as Firefox and Safari display correctly. Please let me know how can we correct it in IE 7? Below is the link to the html page I am refering to. dropdown-test.html ...

Detect chinese (multibyte) character in the string

$str = "This is a string containing 中文 characters. Some more characters - 中华人民共和国 "; How do I detect chinese characters from this string and print the part which starts with the first character and ends with "-"? (it would be "中文 characters. Some more characters -"). Thank you! ...

How to convert Unicode NCR form to its original form in PHP?

To avoid "monster characters", I choose Unicode NCR form to store non-English characters in database (MySQL). Yet, the PDF plugin I use (FPDF) do not accept Unicode NCR form as a correct format; it displays the data directly like: 這個一個例子 but I want it to display like: 這個一個例子 Is there any met...

Google suggest API does not work with Chinese locale

Hi, everyone! I have a problem with Google suggest API when using Chinese locale. I am picking Chinese hieroglyphs at random and use the REST API to retrieve suggestions. Unfortunately, Google always return an empty list of suggestions (I am completely sure, that I convert my request in utf-8, and it is working fine with other languages...

MySQL database search

I have a database table with chinese dictionaries (about 300 000 rows) for online dictionary. The data structure looks like this: ID ch_smpl pinyin definition ---------------------------------------- 1 我 wǒ I, me 2 我们 wǒmen we, us etc. I'm not good with php and mysql, so th...

Unicode aware CSV parser in Java

I'm looking for Java implementation of CSV (comma separated values) parser with proper handling of Unicode data, e.g. UTF-8 CSV files with Chinese text. I suppose such a parser should internally use code point related methods while iterating, comparing etc. Apache 2 license or similar would work the best. ...

Split a sentence into separate words

Hi, guys! I need to split a Chinese sentence into separate words. The problem with Chinese is that there are no spaces. For example, the sentence may look like: 主楼怎么走 (with spaces it would be: 主楼 怎么 走). At the moment I can think of one solution. I have a dictionary with Chinese words (in a database). The script will: 1) try to find th...

How to actually query Chinese address in Googlemap API geocoding??

I'm following the demo code from article of phpsqlgeocode.html In the db, I inserted some Chinese addresses, which is utf8 encode. I found after urlencode the Chinese address, the output of the address will be wrong.Like this one:

Write Chinese chars to a text file using vbscript

I'm trying to write some Chinese characters to a text file using Set myFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set outputFile = myFSO.OpenTextFile(getOutputName(Argument, getMsiFileName(Wscript.Arguments)), forWriting, True) outputFile.WriteLine( s ) variable s contains Chinese character that I read from other file. I echo ...

Oracle DUMP procedure returns question marks for Chinese characters

I am using Oracle 10g and am performing the following query: SELECT DUMP('炫耀他的', 1017) FROM DUAL; This outputs: Typ=96 Len=4 CharacterSet=AL32UTF8: ?,?,?,? Why have the Chinese characters been replaced with question marks? How do I get it to return the correct characters? ...

How do you get the glyph for a character encoded as 'ō' from a utf-8 encoded database field using php?

I have a MySQL database table with a collation of 'utf8_general_ci' and the value in the field is: x & #299; bán yá wén (without the spaces). When this is converted (for example by StackOverflow's editor) it looks like this: xī bán yá wén where the second character looks like a lower case i with a bar over the top. In PHP, what func...

Freely available dictionary data for Chinese, Japanese, CJK characters

I am developing an online CJK character dictionary application, and already found the following databases: Unicode Unihan Database Jim Breen's JMDict and KanjiDic CEDict HanDeDict As I am looking for more data, web searches often lead me to online dictionaries, but not the data itself, using the same sources over again. If you know ...

Is it possible to use big5 character set in Drupal?

A potential client of ours wants to use the big5 character encoding on their new website. Is it possible to use the Drupal CMS to make a site in big5? Its possible this questions does not make sense because I don't find many google results with big5 drupal as a keyword... Please help! ...

Android: How to read a txt file which contains Chinese characters?

Hallo, i have a txt file which contains many chinese characters, and the txt file is in the directory res/raw/test.txt. I want to read the file but somehow i can't make the chinese characters display correctly. Here is my code: try { InputStream inputstream = getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.test); BufferedReader bReader = new B...

'' Not a valid unicode character, but in the unicode character set?

Short story: I can't get an entity like '𠂉' to store in a MySQL database, either by using a text field in a Ruby on Rails app (with default UTF-8 encoding) or by inputting it directly with a MySQL GUI app. As far as I can tell, all Chinese characters and radicals can be entered into the database without problem, but not these rarely typ...

Extract Chinese text from Query string

Hi All, I need to extract chinese characters from the query string in a ASP.NET web application. When I tried it, I get "????" instead of the actual text. I know I need to decode it with UTF-8 but its doesnot work. I have used String text = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["text"], System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); ...

Question Marks Instead of Chinese Characters

I'm trying to place some Chinese text on a website, but as soon as the page is placed online, instead of Chinese text, i see a row of question marks ?????????? ??????????? I tested the same page on a WAMP server before putting it online (all the pages have a php extension) and the Chinese characters show just fine, it is only when the p...

Recognizing a character to be Chinese and get Chinese "pinyin" phonetics from simplified characters?

Is it possible to A) find out if a character is Chinese (simplified) and in that case B) get the pinyin? example: 你好 => nǐhǎo using java or php? Cheers ...