



The worst one I've been caught by was with git submodules. I had a submodule for a project on github. The project was unmaintained, and I wanted to submit patches, but couldn't, so I forked. Now the submodule was pointing at the original library, and I needed it to point at the fork instead. So I deleted the old submodule and replaced it with a submodule for the new project in the same commit. Turns out that this broke everyone else's repositories. I'm still not sure what the correct way of handling this situation is, but I ended up deleting the submodule, having everyone pull and update, and then I created the new submodule, and had everyone pull and update again. It took the better portion of a day to figure that out.

What have other people done to accidentally screw up git repositories in non-obvious ways, and how did you resolve it?


It's not a gotcha, it's a gitcha.

Lol +1 funny -1 should have been a comment
Byron Whitlock
+10  A: 

The usual trailing slash when adding a submodule:

When you use git add on a submodule, make sure you don’t have a tailing slash.

> git add local/path
  -- adds the submodule

> git add local/path/
  -- adds all the files in the submodule directly into your repository, big no-no

One of my most embarrassing moments with a git repository, though it's more about sed:

I was once doing a find ... -exec sed -i ... operation in a subdirectory of my repository. I'd tested it without the -i first, got distracted, came back and managed to switch to the top directory in my repo before running it. Now, git's important files are all read-only, but sed -i by default shuffles the file away by renaming then writes back to the original, so it works just fine on a read-only file like git's objects. The substitution wasn't reversible, and I had to recover the repository by cloning and fetching from someone who tracked mine as a remote.

I never even thought for a moment that sed would work on read-only files. Moral of the story: use sed -i -c, which copies the file, then attempts to overwrite the original.

+4  A: 

Publishing to public repository without realizing my git config was incorrect.
That means the public repo now gets a name (and an email) I would rather not have published at all. If that repo is replicated, ... it is too late.

That is why I prefer having my displayed in my git prompt shell, meaning instead of having this:

 MY_HOSTNAME /c/Prog/myGitProject (master)$

I see this:

 MY_HOSTNAME /c/Prog/myGitProject (master) VonC $

I know who I am from the very first command I type in this Git bash session!

+4  A: 

Work work work ...

git commit

Work work work ...

git commit

Hm... time to integrate

git rebase -i origin/master

What? Conflicts? Let's start again

git reset --hard origin/master

Cry cry cry...

Git lets you wipe your local history without remorse. The biggest gotcha is that you are the safety net.

Robert Munteanu
Well, hooray for `git reflog` then. :)
Does `git reflog` allow me to see the dropped commits? It only lists activity and I've made a `reset --hard` ( updated the answer, it was incorrect ).
Robert Munteanu
+1  A: 
  1. Only realising you've forgotten an entry in .gitignore once you've got matches spread across a load of branches.

  2. Forgetting that git add doesn't add what's not there...

    git add . git commit git status //hey! why didn't it commit my deletes?, Oh yeah, silly me git add -u git commit --amend

  3. If you do a git branch list, you get a new branch called list, but if you do a git stash, you get your workspace stashed; for stash, you need the list if you want the list...

More soon, probably...

Apparently there's git add -A which does both