



Can anyone help me.

I have an application it contain many aspx pages. here i am collecting all controls id's(ex:label1,texbox1,grid1.....etc ) from all page in the application till its working fine.... now i want to collect text property of that contros(ex: label1 have text property StudentId ...etc) how i can do it....

here i have code to collect all controls:

Assembly getAss = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
        Type[] Get = getAss.GetTypes();
        foreach (Type t in Get)
                FieldInfo[] myFieldInfo = t.GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.GetField);
                PropertyInfo[] properties = t.GetProperties();
                for (int i = 0; i < myFieldInfo.Length; i++)
                    string str = myFieldInfo[i].Module.ToString();
                    string strName = myFieldInfo[i].Name;
                    Type TypDeclaringType = myFieldInfo[i].DeclaringType;
                    Boolean blnIsPublic = myFieldInfo[i].IsPublic;
                    MemberTypes mtMemberType = myFieldInfo[i].MemberType;
                    Type TypFieldType = myFieldInfo[i].FieldType;
                    Boolean blnIsFamily = myFieldInfo[i].IsFamily;
                    if (TypFieldType.Name == "Label")
                        ddCntrl.Items.Add(strName);//its collect all controls id's