I want to return all application dates for the current month and for the current year. This must be simple, however I can not figure it out. I know I have 2 dates for the current month and 90 dates for the current year. Right, Left, Outer, Inner I have tried them all, just throwing code at the wall trying to see what will stick and none of it works. I either get 2 for both columns or 180 for both columns. Here is my latest select statement.
SELECT count(a.evdtApplication) AS monthApplicationEntered,
count (b.evdtApplication) AS yearApplicationEntered
FROM tblEventDates a
RIGHT OUTER JOIN tblEventDates b ON a.LOANid = b.loanid
WHERE datediff(mm,a.evdtApplication,getdate()) = 0
AND datediff(yy,a.evdtApplication, getdate()) = 0
AND datediff(yy,b.evdtApplication,getdate()) = 0