ColdFusion implements the Apache Axis engine for its web service functionality.
Unfortunately CF does not take full advantage of the SOAP object model and allow
CF developers to "new" the different objects that make up a service (or subclass them).
Thankfully there is something we can do about that. When you first access a WSDL,
Axis generates a set of stub objects. These are regular java classes that contain
getters and setters for the base properties of the object. We need to use these
stubs to build our object.
In order to use these stubs however, we need to add them to the ColdFusion
class path:
Step 1) Access the WSDL in any way with coldfusion.
Step 2) Look in the CF app directory for the stubs. They are in a "subs"
directory, organized by
Step 3) Copy everything from "com" on down into a new directory that exists in
the CF class path. or we can make one like:
Step 4) If you created a new directory add it to the class path.
A, open CF administrator
B. click on Server settings >> Java and JVM
C. add the path to "ColdFusion Class Path". and click submit
D. Restart CF services.
Step 5) Use them like any other java object with <CFObject /> or CreateObject()
MyObj = CreateObject("java","");
Remember that you can CFDump the object to see the available methods.
<cfdump var="#MyObj#" />
Your account object SHOULD be in the stubs. If you need to create it for some reason you would need to do that in a new Java class file
Generally when working with this much Java, cfscript is the way to go.
finally, the code would look like this:
// create the web service
ArgStruct = StructNew();
ArgStruct.refreshWSDL = True;
ArgStruct.username = 'TestUserAccount';
ArgStruct.password = 'MyP@ssw0r3';
ws = createObject("webservice", "http://localhost/services.asmx?WSDL",ArgStruct);
account = CreateObject("java","");
account.SetBaz("hello world");