


$(".someUl").sortable({ ... }).disableSelection();


$(".someButton").click(function() {

The above works fine in Firefox and IE, but not in Safari (but Chrome works). After I hide and later show the container, someUl loses all sortable behavior and does not work. I googled and found there were some problems around Webkit and sortable, but those were older and appeared to be fixed.

It is specifically about showing and hiding the container. If the container is visible at all times, sortable works fine in Webkit, but this is not what I need. I would like to show and hide the container while keeping sortable working at all times.

Ideas for fix/workaround so it would also work in Safari?

EDIT: see a live demo with the bug here. This works OK on Firefox, does not work with Webkit. You see that the sortable code is run on page load. I thought that it might help to instead run it when the sortable element becomes visible, but there's no difference (if I did that, it still works with Firefox, doesn't with Webkit).