



Using the command line tool, ldapquery, the command is this:

ldapsearch -h myldapserver uid=myloginname mailserver

That returns a line like this:


I've tried every variation I can think of using VBS and I can query and get results returned from many other available properties, but some fail including most importantly this one, with a method not supported error. I know it is there, because I can use the command line tool to get it, but I can't figure out how to cleanly do it in VBS.

Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!!


I just wanted to close this up, it had been a while since I've been on. Basically it turned out that my query was good, but that the server I was interacting with had been improperly setup so there were a lot of inconsistencies resulting in what seemed like a coding error. In the end, what was required was a shell out to the ldapsearch program, clunky, but functional.
