I'd like to monitor an NSCountedSet to see if its contents changes. Setting up KVO seems to compile but it's not being triggered. First question: can you observe a set? If so then is there something wrong with this message?
[subViewA addObserver:subViewB forKeyPath:@"countedSet" options:0 context:NULL];
I'm really just trying to monitor the count of (number of objects in) the set if that helps.
Edit - here's the observer (subViewB):
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath
change:(NSDictionary *)change
context:(void *)context {
if ([keyPath isEqual:@"countedSet"]) {
NSLog(@"Set has changed");
Edit2 - moved the addObserver message from the subView to the viewController. So I'm trying to get one subView to observe a NSCountedSet in another of the viewController's subViews. key path is "relative to the receiver" - which I assume to be subViewA.