



Is there more precise documentation what PLATFORM_ID_DOS, PLATFORM_ID_OS2, PLATFORM_ID_NT, PLATFORM_ID_OSF, or PLATFORM_ID_VMS mean?

The constants are defined in the lmcons.h file.

Values can be got within the SERVER_INFO_100, SERVER_INFO_101, or SERVER_INFO_102 struct.

Obviously PLATFORM_ID_NT means an NT-based platform. What's about other constants?


Platform IDs

Remy Lebeau - TeamB
Which constant mean a Windows 9x platform?
Michael Damatov
Win9x/Me are built on top of DOS, so I imagine it would be PLATFORM_ID_DOS. If you use SERVER_INFO_101 or SERVER_INFO_102, then you also have access to the server's type, such as SV_TYPE_WINDOWS (Win95 and higher) and SV_TYPE_NT (NT and higher).
Remy Lebeau - TeamB