



I am required to recompile a C++ builder project, and am come across this problem.

one of the unit contains the followings:

#include    "LMDBaseControl.hpp"
#include    "LMDBaseGraphicControl.hpp"
#include    "LMDBaseLabel.hpp"
#include    "LMDBaseMeter.hpp"
#include    "LMDControl.hpp"


When I compiled this unit, I got the following error messages:

MHSS_ISS_HMI_v3_2.cpp(41): #include ....\include\MHSS\iss_hmi_gui_cached.h [C++ Error] iss_hmi_gui_cached.h(68): E2209 Unable to open include file 'LMDBaseControl.hpp'

Full parser context

MHSS_ISS_HMI_v3_2.cpp(41): #include ....\include\MHSS\iss_hmi_gui_cached.h [C++ Error] iss_hmi_gui_cached.h(69): E2209 Unable to open include file 'LMDBaseGraphicControl.hpp'

Full parser context

MHSS_ISS_HMI_v3_2.cpp(41): #include ....\include\MHSS\iss_hmi_gui_cached.h [C++ Error] iss_hmi_gui_cached.h(70): E2209 Unable to open include file 'LMDBaseLabel.hpp'

Full parser context

MHSS_ISS_HMI_v3_2.cpp(41): #include ....\include\MHSS\iss_hmi_gui_cached.h [C++ Error] iss_hmi_gui_cached.h(71): E2209 Unable to open include file 'LMDBaseMeter.hpp'

MHSS_ISS_HMI_v3_2.cpp(41): #include ....\include\MHSS\iss_hmi_gui_cached.h [C++ Error] iss_hmi_gui_cached.h(72): E2209 Unable to open include file 'LMDControl.hpp' :

I have installed LMD Tools 7.0 on my Borland C++ builder 6, and set the library to the folder where I installed the LMD Tool.

+1  A: 

Fix your include paths for your project. Did you only add the library path for the linker and not the include path for the compiler? This is a pretty straightforward error.

+4  A: 

You need to add both the path to the library and the path to the H files (2 separate options in the Borland options dialog).