



EDIT: This turned out not be a problem with the code at all, but with a bug in the Groovy Eclipse plugin (

Eclipse is giving me a weird error message about ambiguous types in a Java program and I really don't understand why. I have an interface that takes a generic parameter indicating what type of data it returns.

public interface InterfaceA<T> {
    T getData();

One of the implementations of it looks like this:

public class Impl<T extends AnotherClass> implements InterfaceA<Collection<T>> {
    public Collection<T> getData() {
       // get the data

There is also a container for an InterfaceA

public class Container<T extends InterfaceA>
    private T a;

    public Container(T a) {
        this.a = a;

    public T getA() {
        return a;

Doing this causes the "getData is ambiguous" error.

Container<Impl<AnotherClass>> c = new Container(new Impl<AnotherClass>());
Collection<AnotherClass> coll = c.getA().getData();

I'm stumped on this one.


Your edited example works fine for me (JDK 1.5) with the exception, that you have to define the generic type on the constructor. Here is my complete working code:

public interface InterfaceA<T> {
    T getData();

public static class Impl<T extends Date> implements InterfaceA<Collection<T>> {
    public Collection<T> getData() {
        return null;

public static class Container<T extends InterfaceA> {
    private T a;

    public Container(T a) {
        this.a = a;

    public T getA() {
        return a;


public static void main(String[] args) {
    Container<Impl<Date>> c = new Container<Impl<Date>>(new Impl<Date>());
    Collection<Date> coll = c.getA().getData();
+2  A: 

Collection<T> getData() defined in Impl needs to be made public. If I do this the code compiles cleanly for me.

Yes, sorry, that was a copy/paste error. I realized the code I posted was not in error, but I have updated with the code that is problematic.
Jeff Storey

What you have here seems legitimate. Perhaps Eclipse is showing an error it otherwise should not.

Go to Windows > Preferences > Java > Compiler > Errors/Warnings. In the "Generic Types" section, ensure that Eclipse isn't reporting an error for any of the operations listed (unless you want it too). I have all mine in that section set to "Warning". I would then try refreshing the project and restarting Eclipse.

Edit: After the updated post was made, I got a warning (not an error still) on the lines of usage, saying "Container is a raw type. References to generic type Container should be parameterized:". This can be fixed by:

Container<Impl<Date>> c = new Container<Impl<Date>>(new Impl<Date>());

(In my example, I'm using java.util.Date as in place of 'AnotherClass').

typo. i have edited the question
Jeff Storey
It's not compiling cleanly for me... can't @Override an interface method implementation - it would have to be a superclass instead.
@Nate: you're using 1.5. Cuga is on 1.6.

[Edit to reflect updated question]

This shouldn't even compile as you are reducing the visibility of the method from public to package scope:

public class Impl<T extends AnotherClass> implements InterfaceA<Collection<T>> {
    Collection<T> getData() {
       // get the data

And this still compiles for me (Eclispe 3.4, OS X, 1.5), so don't know what exactly is the issue:

package temp.tests;

import java.util.Collection;

public interface InterfaceA <T> {

    T getData();

    public static final class AnotherClass {}

    public static final class Impl<T extends AnotherClass> 
             implements InterfaceA<Collection<T>>
        public Collection<T> getData () {
            return null;

    public static class Container<T extends InterfaceA>
     private T a;
     public Container(T a) { this.a = a; }
     public T getA() { return a; }

    public static final class Test {
     public static void main (String[] args) {
      Container<Impl<AnotherClass>> c = new Container(new Impl<AnotherClass>());
      Collection<AnotherClass> coll = c.getA().getData();
Thanks for looking into this. I posted an answer relating to the groovy/eclipse plugin. Turns out that was the culprit.
Jeff Storey
NP! You may want to add that as update to your question.

As other posters have said, I am not seeing this problem on Eclipse 3.5.0 running on JDK (when fixing the reduced visibility of the getData() method).

I suggest doing a clean build (Project/Clean in Eclipse). Also, the Eclipse and Java version you are running might help.

-- Flaviu Cipcigan

Flaviu Cipcigan
I have updated the code to correctly illustrate the problem. It still breaks in eclipse, but seems to work if I compile with just javac.
Jeff Storey
+1  A: 

There appears to be a bug causing this from the groovy plugin. It is not a java problem at all. Thanks for the help and my apologies.

Jeff Storey
Can you edit the question to include this?
Matt Kane
I updated the question with that info at the top.
Jeff Storey