
What's an example of a well designed network server?

I'm interested in looking at architectures for extensible network serving applications. I'm not too interested in the protocol, or the language used, more in the elegance and extensibility of the design. Of course Apache comes to mind, but I was wondering if anyone had any other examples that they find a pleasure to work with. EDIT: j...

BC30560: 'default_aspx' is ambiguous in the namespace 'ASP'.

When I compiled my latest program and trying to run on the test server, I am getting this error Line 46: Dim dependencies() As String Line 47: CType(Me,Global.System.Web.UI.Page).AppRelativeVirtualPath = "~/default.aspx" Line 48: If (Global.ASP.default_aspx.__initialized = false) Then Line 49:...

In Java, why is the call foo() not ambigious given 2 varags methods foo(int... ints) and foo(Object... objects)?

If I declare just the 2 varargs methods as follows: public void foo(String... strings) { System.out.println("Foo with Strings"); } and public void foo(int... ints) { System.out.println("Foo with ints"); } and then have the code: foo(); this is a compiler error due to the ambiguity as expected. However if I have just the...

C# Ambiguous call in DirectSound

I'm trying to use DirectSound to capture sound from a microphone. Here's my code: using Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound; public MicrophoneSensor() { CaptureBufferDescription micBufferDesc = new CaptureBufferDescription(); WaveFormat format = new WaveFormat(); format.SamplesPerSecond = 22000;...

request for member `...' is ambiguous in g++

I'm getting the following compile error in one of my classes, using gcc 3.4.5 (mingw): src/ModelTester/CModelTesterGui.cpp:1308: error: request for member `addListener' is ambiguous include/utility/ISource.h:26: error: candidates are: void utility::ISource<T>::addListener(utility::IListener<T>*) [with T = const SConsolePacket&] include...

Avoiding implicit def ambiguity in Scala

I am trying to create an implicit conversion from any type (say, Int) to a String... An implicit conversion to String means RichString methods (like reverse) are not available. implicit def intToString(i: Int) = String.valueOf(i) 100.toCharArray // => Array[Char] = Array(1, 0, 0) 100.reverse // => error: value reverse is not a member ...

ICollection / ICollection<T> ambiguity problem

Just want to make simple extension for syntactic sygar : public static bool IsNotEmpty(this ICollection obj) { return ((obj != null) && (obj.Count > 0)); } public static bool IsNotEmpty<T>(this ICollection<T> obj) { return ((obj != null) && (obj.Count > 0)); } It works perfectly when I work with some collectio...

Java ambiguous type for method?

EDIT: This turned out not be a problem with the code at all, but with a bug in the Groovy Eclipse plugin ( Eclipse is giving me a weird error message about ambiguous types in a Java program and I really don't understand why. I have an interface that takes a generic parameter indicating what ...

Why is this error: reference to ‘statusBar’ is ambiguous.. coming? Is this a bug?

I created a QMainWindow using QT Designer. As we know, it has statusBar by default. By default, QT Designer gave its objectname as "statusBar". Now, when I tried to call like:- statusBar()->showMessage(tr("File successfully loaded."), 3000); as we have a function with prototype: QStatusBar * QMainWindow::statusBar () const The Comp... compile error 'abc' is ambiguous in the namespace 'xyz'.

I have a VB.Net solution that another developer created and I'm trying to compile it on our build machine (it compiles on their machine) but with one of the projects I get an error saying something along the lines of: Imyinterface is ambiguous in the namespace anamespaceassembly. I have tried with no success: examined the refere...

WCF with multiple services and namespace issues

I have created a number of WCF Services, for arguments sake they are called Service1 and Service2. Both of the services return (at some point, possibly through a relationship inside an object) a Customer object. For testing sake, I have added a GetCustomer() method to both Service1 and Service2 and I have added a service reference to b...

C# Ambiguous calls - Different return type

Hello, I have 2 extension methods that convert a MongoDB document to an entity/object. public static ProductTemplate Convert(this Document document) { return null; } public static Product Convert(this Document document) { return null; } This gives an expected ambiguous call error so I was wondering how I could fix this? Fri...

ReferenceError: Error #1008 Class is ambiguous

I have a As3 file and I get a runtime error: ReferenceError: **Error #1008**: Tooltip is ambiguous; Found more than one matching binding. I have a class named Tooltip and also a symbol in library with linkage class: Tooltip and Base Class fvg.Tooltip (fvg is the name of the package). Why I get this conflict? ...

Ambiguous class name

Hello If have a new project (ProjNew ) where I want to put several classes that are on other project (ProjOld). The problem is I want to maintain the old classes marked with Obsolete to avoid running all my projects and check if they using it. But in that way this may throw a ambiguous class name error because I didn't explicitly cal...

Scala 2.7 : reference is ambiguous (imported twice)

In Scala 2.7, I want to use a method as a parameter of another method of the same class. I have a class and objects which are companions: class mM(var elem:Matrix){ //apply a function on a dimension rows (1) or cols (2) def app(func:Iterable[Double]=>Double)(dim : Int) : Matrix = { ... } //utility function ...

Ambiguous Column Naming in Select List -- DataMapper for Ruby

In DataMapper, I have tables like this: Foo === id Integer other_columns Whatever Fuzz === id Integer other_columns Whatever For associations: class Fuzz has 1, :foo, :child_key => :id end When I call: DataMapper generates SQL like this: select raw_sql_.* from(SELECT "ID", "OTHER_COL...

.Net 4.0 System.Web.Security.MembershipProvider ambiguous reference?

I have recently upgraded my BlogEngine.Net installation to 1.6 and .Net 4.0, however, I did not build BlogEngine.Core when I performed the upgrade. However, when I try to build the BlogEngine.Core project now, the compile fails because it cannot load the symbols for (System.Web.Security.)MembershipProvider. I believe this to be a .Net/C...

In OpenCL 1.1 my call to function min() is ambiguous and I can't figure out why

I just upgraded from OpenCL 1.0 to 1.1. When I make my call to the min() function, I get error output: <program source>:45:44: error: call to 'min' is ambiguous int nFramesThisKernelIngests = min(nFramesToIngest - nAvg*nPP*get_global_id(2), nAvg*nPP); <built-in>:3569:27: note: candidate function double16 __OVERLOADABLE...

Color(int, int, int) vs Color(float, float, float) ambiguous call

How can I resolve the ambiguous call between these two in C++? Color(int, int, int) Color(float, float, float) It is both ambiguous when the values are hardcoded i.e. Color(1, 2, 3) and when they are variables Color(r, g, b). Why wouldn't the compiler resolve according to data type? In variable form? EDIT: Sorry, too much C++ makes me...

Antlr (lexer): matching the right token

In my Antlr3 grammar, I have several "overlapping" lexer rules, like this: NAT: ('0' .. '9')+ ; INT: ('+' | '-')? ('0' .. '9')+ ; BITVECTOR: ('0' | '1')* ; Although tokens like 100110 and 123 can be matched by more than one of those rules, it is always determined by context which of them it has to be. Example: s: a | b | c ; a: '<' N...