
Are you forced to develop for old web browsers?

I always wondered why people are still running older web browsers until I started at my current job. Here I am forced to use IE6 to develop all of our internal applications, as our target users also are using IE6. Is anyone else in a situation where they aren't allowed to run the latest technology, and what is stopping you? Have you trie...

Why are C# collection-properties not flagged as obsolete when calling properties on them?

I tried to flag a collection property on a class as Obsolete to find all the occurances and keep a shrinking list of things to fix in my warning-list, due to the fact that we need to replace this collection property with something else. Edit: I've submitted this through Microsoft Connect, issue #417159. I will post an update if I get...

ObsoleteAttribute confusion

I would like to apply ObsoleteAttribute to a property, but it seems that compiler generates warnings/errors only for direct usage of attribute, any indirect usage is silently ignored. I think the following example illustrates the problem very well: using System; class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var o = new Old(); ...

Outdated coding practices

As I do my coding I sometimes wonder if I'm doing things the best way or just the way it's always been done. Does what I'm doing make sense anymore? For example, declaring all your variables at the top of the function. If I try to declare it twice or below where I start using it my IDE will bark at me at design time - so what's the big ...

Are IFrames (HTML) obsolete?

Getting contradictory messages about that, hope they're not. I cannot imagine support for it would stop, since a gazillion sites use them. Some additional questions about that: Why should they phase out this tag? Any alternative for it? tx ...

Database schema changes needed yearly. Which Strategy should be used?

Hello, Every year our company holds a conference/stand where participants can show their products. We have a web-application which let the participants sign up for the conference. They can enter information such as the name of their company, billing information, and so on. It seems as if the requirements for what information the ...

What obsolete programming techniques are you glad to see go?

G'day, Inspired by this article here, what programming techniques are you glad to see the back of? Has anything arisen to replace them? For example: I had to learn Miditran in first year at University and we had to use punch cards. But it got worse than that. Because the physics department had no punch card machine, the punch cards ...

Suppressing obsolete warnings in VB.Net

I have VB.Net code in VS 2008 using an obsolete method, and would like to suppress the warning. Unfortunately, following the recommendation is not a good solution, because it requires using a different class, which works differently, in important ways. I'm trying to suppress the warning using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessa...

What should I use instead of LoadWithPartialName()?

I'm loading an assembly with LoadWithPartialName(), but VS tells me that it's obsolete and to use Load() instead. However, I can't find any convenient overload. There is a Load(string) with asks for a "full-name" which, if I understood correctly the MSDN docs, includes things like the version number. There is also a Load (string, Evide...

How obsolete is "Creating Applications with Mozilla"? (the book)

I have the book "Creating Applications with Mozilla", though I haven't read it yet. According to the book's web site at http://books.mozdev.org/, It is "very out of date." How out of date is it? Is it a decent reference, but doesn't cover new APIs, or is the stuff it covers things you shouldn't be using anymore? Is it decent as a XUL/XB...

Why Java Vector class is considered obsolete or deprecated?

Why Java Vector is considered a legacy class, obsolete or deprecated? Its use isn't valid when working with concurrency? And if I don't want to manually synchronize objects and just want to use a thread-safe collection without needing to make fresh copies of the underlying array (as CopyOnWriteArrayList does), then it is fine to use Ve...

Public Overrides Function GetBytes() As Byte() is obsolete

What does the poet try to say? Public Overrides Function GetBytes() As Byte() is obsolete: Rfc2898DeriveBytes replaces PasswordDeriveBytes for deriving key material from a password and is preferred in new applications. Should i replace this one... Dim keyBytes As Byte() keyBytes = password.GetBytes(keySize / 8) ...with what? ...

When, if ever, would you expect classes marked as obsolete to be removed from the .NET framework?

As we approach the 4th major release of the .NET framework we are likely to see an increase in the number of classes and methods marked as obsolete (to indicate they are deprecated). I found this page listing all the obsolete members and types, which is growing quite large now. So, I was wondering whether: Have any members or types ma...

How can I mark Perl code as deprecated?

In my project I'm currently preparing a step-by-step move from legacy code to new, properly-designed and tested modules. Since not every fellow programmer follows closely what I do, I would like to emit warnings when old code is used. I would also strongly prefer being able to output recommendations on how to port old code. I've found t...

Creating a Form In C++

Hello, I'm just starting to use MetroWerks CodeWarrior 1.1 For Mac 68k in a Mac System 7.5.5, but I need to know: How can I create a simple Form with a TextBox on it? Thanks. ...

How to hide an inherited property in a class without modifying the inherited class (base class)?

Hello, If i have the following code example: public class ClassBass { public int ID { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } } public class ClassA : ClassBass { public int JustNumber { get; set; } public ClassA() { this.ID = 0; this.Name = string.Empty; this.JustNumber = string.Empty;...

Learning HyperCard

I've got HyperCard 2.4.1 for my Mac 7.5.5. Then I want to know where I can learn, for free and some books to buy too, but I'm now focusing on the free things. I've got HyperCard because of the suggestion of S Ben. ...

Should we think about CSS media other than screen and print?

Should we think about CSS media other than screen and print? http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/media.html#media-types all Suitable for all devices. braille Intended for braille tactile feedback devices. embossed Intended for paged braille printers. handheld Intended for handheld devices (typically small screen, limited bandwi...

Prevent other developers using base methods within a class

I have a class that uses filesystem entities to manipulate data. We have several methods specifically designed to (attempt to) cope with some of the issues we face with this approach (file locking, non-existent files, etc.). Ideally I'd like to be able to issue a warning if another developer attempts access the filesystem directly via ...

How to prevent your code from becoming obsolete?

Some programmers here have been developing a project in VB6, and they say they now need to upgrade to vb.net if they want their apps to run on newer/future systems as vb6 is going to be history soon. So there is this huge application they have been working on that they are going to have to rebuild from scratch (they tried to use the upg...