
Why do I get an ambiguous error when calling a Constructor inside of the same class in Java?

I can't figure out why i'm getting an ambiguous error. This is a sample code of what I have: public class MyString{ //Data: private char[] theString; //constructors: public MyString(){ // default constructor } public MyString(String s){ // parameterized constructor } public MyString(char[] s){ // paramete...

Operator = is ambiguous (C++)

I have the following in a for loop and the compiler says 'operator = is ambiguous'. Not sure how to solve this issue, can anyone help? rootelement = document->getDocumentElement(); boost::interprocess::unique_ptr<DOMNodeIterator, release_deleter> itera (document->createNodeIterator(rootelement, DOMNodeFilter::SHOW_ALL, NULL, true))...

error C2872: 'range_error' : ambiguous symbol

I have already searched SO and google, I am not declaring the same variable in two places nor am I including something in a weird way..that I know of. The insert method should be working fine, it's a pre-written method(i guess that could be wrong too.. lol). This is the error I get. Error: error C2872: 'range_error' : ambiguous symbol...