



Hello, Friends!

I use the Flex Builder 3 to develop a client app for Java Server. The client communicates with the server by means of a WebService.

If I work with webservice operations that do not use parameters or use only simple types (String, Number ...) as parameters - all goes well. But If I use operations with complex types such as custom classes - I have a problem.

For example:

Custom class has 5 properties, but I initialize only two of them in the class instance and set this instance as an operation's parameter. When I catch the SOAP message going to the server I can see that the message consists of all 5 properties (three of them are nill or NaN). As a result Java application tells me about NullPointerException... If I comment three properties in the class definition, then I have a correct SOAP message and Java works well...

My friend uses the same WSDL url in Borland Delphi and makes a 32-bit client application. In his case he has only initialized properties in the SOAP message. And Java works well...

The question is: how can I tell Flex to serialize only initialized properties while doing SOAP encoding?

Thank you very much Friends!