The issue I'm having is that I need to compile my code using specific libraries that are in different path locations. I need to use -lncurses library from ./ramdisk/libs path, the problem is that this directory also cointains a version of lthr library that I don't want to be linked. The makefile is pulling both libraries from the same location which is not what I what. I can't chage the contents of these library directories in the filesystem, so I need to find a way to tell the Makefile to link lncurses library from path A and link lthr library from path B instead using the lthr in path A.
Any suggestions? CC=icc NCE=-L./ramdisk/libs CFLAGS+=-I$(ROOTDIR)/../../include
LDFLAGS=-static -lthr
$(DESTDIR)/nce: nce mkdir -p $(DESTDIR) $(INSTALL) -m 777 nce $(DESTDIR)
nce: nce.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) nce.c $(LDFLAGS) -o nce -lthr $(NCE) -lncurses