You say the line is given as an equation in 3D, but really planes are given by equations. And since the line is said to be lying in a 3D plane, presumably given by another equation, the line is actually the intersection of two planes.
To get the direction vector of the line, take the cross product of the normals to the two planes. If you use Pavel's method, you don't need this.
To get a point on the line, pick some value for x, say x = 0. Then solve the two equations for y and z after plugging in that value. To find another point to use in Pavel's method, set x to some other value, say x = 1, and solve the system again.
If the line is oriented the wrong way (perpendicular to the x axis), x may be a fixed value. In that case, try setting y to two fixed values. If that still doesn't work, try z. Also, check that the original planes are not parallel, so that there actually is a line of intersection.
To solve the question without Pavel's method, cross the direction of the line with the vector formed by the given point and a point you found on the line. Now cross that result with the line direction to get a new vector. Dot that vector with the original point and again with a point on the line. Take the difference, and divide by the length of the vector.