Try this one:
isprime( primes(99999999) );
For a more extensive set of tests, use these benchmarks (perhaps for multiple repetitions even):
disp(['MATLAB Version ' version])
disp(['Operating System: ' system_dependent('getos')])
disp(['Java VM Version: ' version('-java')]);
disp(['Date: ' date])
N = 3000; % matrix size
A = rand(N,N);
A = A*A;
tic; A*A; t=toc;
fprintf('A*A \t\t\t%f sec\n', t)
tic; [L,U,P] = lu(A); t=toc; clear L U P
fprintf('LU(A)\t\t\t%f sec\n', t)
tic; inv(A); t=toc;
fprintf('INV(A)\t\t\t%f sec\n', t)
tic; [U,S,V] = svd(A); t=toc; clear U S V
fprintf('SVD(A)\t\t\t%f sec\n', t)
tic; [Q,R,P] = qr(A); t=toc; clear Q R P
fprintf('QR(A)\t\t\t%f sec\n', t)
tic; [V,D] = eig(A); t=toc; clear V D
fprintf('EIG(A)\t\t\t%f sec\n', t)
tic; det(A); t=toc;
fprintf('DET(A)\t\t\t%f sec\n', t)
tic; rank(A); t=toc;
fprintf('RANK(A)\t\t\t%f sec\n', t)
tic; cond(A); t=toc;
fprintf('COND(A)\t\t\t%f sec\n', t)
tic; sqrtm(A); t=toc;
fprintf('SQRTM(A)\t\t%f sec\n', t)
tic; fft(A(:)); t=toc;
fprintf('FFT\t\t\t%f sec\n', t)
tic; isprime(primes(10^7)); t=toc;
fprintf('Primes\t\t\t%f sec\n', t)
The following are the results on my machine using N=1000 for one iteration only (note primes is using as upper bound 10^7 NOT 10^8 [takes way more time!])
A*A 0.178329 sec
LU(A) 0.118864 sec
INV(A) 0.319275 sec
SVD(A) 15.236875 sec
QR(A) 0.841982 sec
EIG(A) 3.967812 sec
DET(A) 0.121882 sec
RANK(A) 1.813042 sec
COND(A) 1.809365 sec
SQRTM(A) 22.750331 sec
FFT 0.113233 sec
Primes 27.080918 sec