




You may call me a maniac, but I like to be sure that just by copying the contents of the java folder and setting the environment variables, everything will work fine.

So I usually run the installer in a virtual machine, zip the \java folder contents, go back to a snapshot of the virtual machine, and then unzip the compressed file.

I couldn't find a place where the latest jre / jdk is available as a zip file...



any idea?


or is it safe to assume that exe installer from sun just will just unzip the whole thing, without messing around with the registry, environment variables, etc...?


edit: found this related question


+1  A: 

Hi opensas,

Thanks for asking; the JDK does not seem to interact with the Windows registry.

However, the JRE does in certain instances.

Link: http://www.rgagnon.com/javadetails/java-0604.html

+1  A: 

You can use Java portable from here. It is not going to change your system settings. You can put it on your USB stick.


I did copy the JRE folder several times and it always works fine. But I am really not sure if you can just get a zip file with its contents, as the official installation install the plugins for IE, Firefox and whatsoever.

Ravi Wallau
+1  A: 

The Sun JVM is available as a MSI which is executable from a script.


Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen
that's one step closer to what I'm looking for...
Switch to Ubuntu. "sudo apt-get sun-java6-sdk" ... (The very first time you have to accept a license).
Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen