I am building a database that contains a series of different tables. These consist of a COMMENTS table, a BLOGS table & an ARTICLES table. I want to be able to add new items to each table, and tag them with between 0 and 5 tags to help the user search for particular information that is relevant more easily.
Initial thoughts for architecture
My first thoughts were to have a centralised table of TAGS. This table would list all of the available tags using a TagID field & a TagName field. Since each item can have many tags and each tag can have many items, I would need a MANY-TO-MANY relationship between each item table and the TAGS table.
For Example:
Many COMMENTS can have many TAGS. Many TAGS can have many COMMENTS.
Many ARTICLES can have many TAGS. Many TAGS can have many ARTICLES.
Current Understanding
From previous experience I understand that a way of implementing this structure in T-SQL is to have an ajoining table between the COMMENTS table and the TAG table. This ajoining table would contain the CommentID & the TagID, as well as its own unique CommentTagID. This structure would also apply to all other items.
Firstly is this the right way to go about implementing such a database architecture? If not, what other methods would be feasible? Since the database will eventually contain a lot of information, I need to ensure that it is scalable. Is this a scalable implementation? If I had lots of these tables would this architecture make CRUD operations very slow? Should I use GUIDs or Incrementing INTs for the ID fields?
Help & suggestions would be appreciated greatly.