



Im using a library for extracting EXIF data from google code. I assume with iPhone OS 3 that you can use UIImagepicker to do it.

I just want to be able to extract the f-Stop, Shutter Speed and ISO data from the image. I want to discard the image and just use the information that I store up.

Would I end up extracting the tag data in the viewcontroller.m or h? This part of coding seems to baffle me a little bit and I cant figure out what to put where. Can anyone help me out? I still havent figured out XCode all that well.

+1  A: 

Whatever executable code you have needs to go in a .m (i**m**plementation) file, not a .h (header file). The headers are just for declaring things like classes, protocols, and methods, not for any real processing work.


Are there any tutorials that you know of that explain using exif step by step? im using the one found here -

However, for a newbie like me, its not all that thorough because im coming up with errors and i am not sure how to resolve them.

I guess im just shy in all this. need a good place to start


You will likely have trouble getting access to an images metadata if you get it via UIImagePickerController, due to the issues described in this question:
