



StructureMap has the ability to apply conventions when scanning. Thus IFoo => Foo, without explicit registration.

Is something simular available in AutoFac? Looked around and just can't find anything helpfull.


+5  A: 

Sure, you can use the ContainerBuilder.RegisterTypesMatching. Here's an example:

var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
builder.RegisterTypesMatching(type => type.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(IFoo)));
var container = builder.Build();

var foo = container.Resolve<Foo>();

Update: the new scanning features in Autofac2 will imo remove some of the need for registration-by-convention. Lets say that Foo lives in Plugins.dll:

var assembly = Assembly.Load("Plugins");

This registration will pick up Foo and register it as IFoo.

Peter Lillevold

Peter, what he means is default convention scanning that is available in StructureMap. It automatically binds IX and X where X is a class that implements interface IX. It works like this:

    public override void Process(Type type, Registry registry)
        if (!type.IsConcrete()) return;

        Type pluginType = FindPluginType(type);
        if (pluginType != null && Constructor.HasConstructors(type))
            registry.AddType(pluginType, type);

    public virtual Type FindPluginType(Type concreteType)
        string interfaceName = "I" + concreteType.Name;
        Type[] interfaces = concreteType.GetInterfaces();
        return Array.Find(interfaces, t => t.Name == interfaceName);

I would also like to know if Autofac supports a similar thing. StructureMap lets you define your own IRegistrationConvention's. This is one example of a convention.

The new assembly scanning feature ( in Autofac2 probably covers a lot of ground here. See my updated answer.
Peter Lillevold
Thanks for your answer :) will look into it.