I'm looking for the book for an experienced developer wanting to learn Cocoa.
Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X, by Aaron Hillegass. Its currently in its 3rd edition, but most of the content of the earlier editions is still relevant to the current MacOS X.
2008-10-02 14:38:18
If you are using XCode 3 and Leopard, I would highly recommend getting the latest edition. The IDE UI has greatly changed between recent versions of XCode (especially since the 2nd edition was published), so if you're just starting out the 3rd edition would be a much better help.
2008-10-02 23:43:10
But it's still the best book out there, as far as I know.
2009-02-28 19:27:54
There's a book on Cocoa programming in preparation at the Pragmatic Programmer bookshop. (See: Cocoa Programming specifically -- it's in beta, so you can get it in PDF before it is finalized.)
Jonathan Leffler
2008-10-02 14:39:55
I took a quick look at this book: 100 pages, "Hello World" on p78. Seems a bit too slow and basic.
Steve McLeod
2008-10-02 14:44:29