Ok, i have 2 edit controls and a button in my main window; in one edit control the user can write a number and when he push the button i read that number and i print it in the other edit control (which is read only).
My problem is that when i put a number and i press the button, for some reason that i dont understand i can get that number. And GetDlgItemInt() always return zero and his third parameter always return me false.
This is the code where i use GetDlgItemInt () to read the number:
number = GetDlgItemInt(hwndEdit2, CM_EDIT2, &flag, FALSE);
if(number > 0 && number < 20)
sprintf(message, "This is the number %d", number);
SetWindowText(hwndEdit, message);
MessageBox(hwnd, "Number to high or to low", "Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
MessageBox(hwnd, "Error getting the number", "Error", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);
Any suggest?