Either you put a field in your own User class (you might have to subclass User or compose with django.contrib.auth.models.User
) that indicates that the User has an avatar. Than you can make your query easily.
Or do something like that:
from django.utils.itercompat import groupby
avatars = Avatar.objects.select_related("user").filter(valid=True).order_by("-user__date_joined")[:32]
grouped_users = groupby(avatars, lambda x: x.user)
user_list = []
for user, avatar_list in grouped_users:
user.avatar = list(avatar_list)[0]
# user_list is now what you asked for in the first_place:
# a list of users with their avatars
This assumes that one user has one and only one avatar. Your model allows for more than one avatar per user so you have to watch out not to store more than one.
Explanation of Code Snippet:
The avatars of the most 32 recent joined users are requested together with the related user, so there doesn't have to be a database query for any of them in the upcoming code.
The list of avatars is then grouped with the user as a key. The list
gets all items from the generator avatar_list
and the first item (there should only be one) is assigned to user.avatar
Note that this is not necessary, you could always do something like:
for avatar in avatars:
user = avatar.user
But it might feel more naturally to access the avatars by user.avatar.