




Currently I am in a stage that can learn Windows kernel programming, but I am wondering after that which types of jobs I can do?

For Linux kernel, seems till now only a bunch of driver works related jobs there.


You could write low level code that interacted with it (optimization purposes I assume). Also drivers like the Linux world as well.


Is there any company needs programmers that familiar with windows kernel except MS?

Bin Chen
hardware companies maybe ?
Stefano Borini
Bill, word of advice. If this is a question in response to an answer, it should be in a comment to that answer. If it's an elucidation on your question, you should either edit the question or add a comment to it. Since the nature of SO is to provide answers to questions, the bulletin board method is not suitable (especially since answers are moved based on their scores, and randomly if they have the same score).
Thanks for the advice.
Bin Chen
+2  A: 

There are quite a few jobs for people who can write Windows drivers, but most of them are not at traditional software companies -- rather, they're at companies that produce hardware that needs to work with Windows.

There is also the possibility of writing Native API code that bypasses Win32, and talks to the Windows NT kernel directly. For the most part, MS seems to officially frown on people doing this -- but when they do it well (e.g. the former ntinernals.com) MS buys them up and apparently puts them to work for MS (assuming somebody else doesn't first, of course).

The bottom line is that it is a useful skill set, but not particularly likely to be a life-changing event, or anything on that order. Also keep in mind that writing kernel code is writing kernel code -- doing it well goes way beyond the usual definition of "meticulous". A good kernel code is a guy who routinely has to sit back down and physically relax, because he's so anal retentive that the first time he stood up, the chair stuck to his butt!

Jerry Coffin