




Is there a better way to determine the length of an std::istream than the following:

std::istream* pcStream = GetSomeStream();
pcStream->seekg(0, ios::end);
unsigned int uiLength = pcStream->tellg();

It just seems really wasteful to have to seek to the end of the stream and then seek back to the original position, especially if the stream might be to a file on some slow media like a CD or DVD.

+2  A: 

The "best" way is to avoid needing the length :)

  • Not all streams are seekable (For example, imagine an istream on a network socket)
  • The return type from tellg() is not necessarily numeric (the only requirement is that it can be passed back to seekg() to return to the same position)
  • Even if it is numeric, it is not necessarily a number of bytes. For example, it could be a "magic" value meaning "at the end"
  • For fstreams, issues like case and linefeed conversion can screw things up
Éric Malenfant
I do realize expecting a length to always be available is a bit limiting to the kind of streams to be used, thankfully it's very unlikely I'll be using anything other then ifstreams and my own memstream and zipstream implementations.

Have you considered keeping track of the size by using istream::gcount() ?

I require the size for allocation of the buffer to which the data will be copied-I suppose I could allocate an initial amount and realloc thereafter, but I'm a bit worried about fragmentation (working in a limited mem environment).