



Does anybody know which version of RubyCocoa runs on this processor (if at all)?

+1  A: 

Isn't RubyCocoa included in Leopard? Thought it was part of the "Scripting Bridge" for Ruby. I don't have access to a vanilla Leopard box at the moment, so I can't check.

If you go to irb, you should be able to do something like:

> require 'osx/cocoa'
=> true

If you get true or false back, you're in business. If you get a LoadError, then you don't have it (or the require is wrong).

Benjamin Oakes
Yes, RubyCocoa is included with Leopard.
Well, my problem is with this specific processor. The customer cannot launch the application, she gets a dyld: Symbol not found: _rb_cObjectExpected in: flat namespace
Nava Carmon
Nava Carmon
Did you try the `irb` command to make sure `ruby` has access to RubyCocoa? Keep in mind that the paths might be off.Did she upgrade from Tiger? (That is, didn't do a fresh install.) Dunno if that could be a cuplrit, but it's worth checking.
Benjamin Oakes
i'll ask her to try. If she doesn't have paths installed, can we do it as a part of installer script? How is it complicated?Thanks a lot!BTW, when run require 'osx/cocoa' on snow leopard i get the following:dyld: NSLinkModule() errordyld: Symbol not found: __NSExceptionGetRubyToken Referenced from: /Library/Frameworks/RubyCocoa.framework/Versions/A/RubyCocoa Expected in: flat namespaceTrace/BPT trap
Nava Carmon
You just need to make sure you have the same paths on your (Leopard?) machine and hers. Check `$:` in `irb` (or do `ruby -e "puts $:"`). There's more than one way of getting at that info -- I think that one's right. Like I said before, I'm testing this blind (on Ubuntu at the moment), so you might look up how paths work with Ruby. OS X does some things differently than the various Linux flavors, as I recall.
Benjamin Oakes
@Nava: If you're including a custom version of RubyCocoa rather than using the one installed on the customer's system, the issue might be there. For example, does your embedded RubyCocoa include all four architectures (PPC, PPC64, x86 and x86-64)?
Nava Carmon
@Benjamin Oakes, she did a test with irb -> require 'osx/cocoa' and got =>true. The application on her side crashes with dyld:symbol not found: _rb_cObject. What might the problem be?
Nava Carmon
I'd tend to agree with Chuck. If it's working in `irb` (and you can make windows and all that fancy RubyCocoa stuff), I would think that your application is doing something strange with the paths. (Example: shadowing the built-in RubyCocoa with a custom version.) Out of curiosity, how many differences are there between RubyCocoa in 10.5 and 10.6?
Benjamin Oakes
Nava Carmon
Can i freeze the ruby version that my RubyCocoa is using by copying Ruby.framework to the bundle? Thanks, Nava
Nava Carmon
Not sure about freezing. When you copy the framework, do you take all the dependencies (incl. gems) along with it? I'm starting to wonder which would be a better (less messy) option at this point...
Benjamin Oakes
yes, Ruby.framework has gems included
Nava Carmon
Worth a try, I guess. (Depending on how long it might take.) I've never tried that approach, but I'd be interested in how it turns out.
Benjamin Oakes
the question is if i include it in RubyCocoa, (probably i have to build the custom RC on leopard to be sure it has 1.8.6 ruby version) I need to change linker flags? Now it has: -undefined suppress -flat_namespace -Wl,-syslibroot,/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk -lxml2 -lffi /usr/local/lib/libruby.1.8.6.dylib. How am i sure it will take the libruby.dylib from the version in the application bundle?
Nava Carmon
That's a good question. I've never done it, so I can't answer personally. Considering how long this thread has gotten, though, it might be worth moving this discussion to a new question after you explore your options. Changing the linker flags does seem like it might be necessary, though.
Benjamin Oakes
This question was moved to another thread:
Nava Carmon