



Hi, When passing a delegate to the a NSUrlConnection object like so:

[[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:request delegate:handler];

when should you call release on the delegate? Should it be in connectionDidFinishLoading? If so, I keep getting exec_bad_access. I'm seeing that my delegates are leaking through instruments.


+1  A: 

It will depend on what object handler is and how you use it. For example, I usually use self as my delegate:

[[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:request delegate:self];

I don't need to call release on self because delegates are not retained and self will be released by another object.

If handler is a new object, then you will have to release it (and connectionDidFinishLoading: should be ok, unless you need to use the handler object for something else).

Are you familiar with the rules for memory management in Cocoa?

Can you give a better picture of what object handler is and how you're using it?


Your need to release the connection, not the delegate. The NSURLConnection class I think does not retain the delegate, which is why you get a crash when you try and release it.

The two places to release the delegate are connection:DidFinishLoading, and connection:didFailWithError.

Kendall Helmstetter Gelner
yeah, that's what I thought too, but when I do that... I get the exec bad access gods smiting me.
Kieran H
Actually, I'm pretty sure NSURLConnection does retain the delegate (it's an exception in this regard).
NSURLConnection does indeed retain the delegate, check the documentation.
Julio Gorgé

the object handler is used to implement connectionDidFinishLoading didReceiveData etc. I make a lot of calls to a number of web services and instead of creating one object for each, I have a central class for all that stuff:

@interface DataService : NSObject {} 

- (void) search:(NSString *) name byAddress:(NSString *)address; 


so the implementation of that method creates the delegate to pass:

SearchDelegate *delegate = [[SearchDelegate alloc] init]; 
[self sendRequestToUrl:urlString withJson:jsonString andHandler:delegate];

what I am seeing in Instruments is that there is a memory leak on the SearchDelegate... so I think it is actually being retain'ed.

Tinkering a bit I changed my sendRequestToUrlMethod to have this:

// http code setup blah...

[[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:request delegate:handler];
[handler release];

and this seems to have gotten ridden of memory leak being reported in Instruments.

Kieran H
+1  A: 

Be careful with NSURLConnection initWithRequest, it does in fact retain the delegate, though I don't know why that would be useful. Don't belive me, just add this assert around the create steps as see for yourself.

int retainCountIn = self.retainCount;

// Create NSURLConnection, passing self as the delegate

int retainCountOut = self.retainCount; NSAssert(retainCountIn == retainCountOut, @"retainCount incremented on delegate");

The only really safe thing to do is create another little object that will act as the delegate, your class can then hold a ref to it and the connection can hold a ref to it via the delegate. Then, when you are done with the connection (after say a cancel), you can release your ref and the connection can release its ref whenever, and all is well. This is the safe way to avoid a circular ref issue that would otherwise be very hard to figure out and debug.

cheers Mo DeJong