Can I use default arguments in a constructor like this maybe
Soldier(int entyID, int hlth = 100, int exp = 10, string nme) : entityID(entyID = globalID++), health(hlth), experience(exp), name(nme = SelectRandomName(exp))
{ }
I want for example exp = 10 by default but be able to override this value if I supply it in the constructor otherwise it should use the default.
How can I do this, I know my approach does not work....
If I supply any value in the initialization list no matter whatever I supply in constructor gets overwritten ofcourse on the other hand whenever I supply a value in constructor then why do I need a default value in the first place as every time I am supplying a value for object initiation...?
Should I use different overloaded constructors or do you people have any other ideas....?