Hi, I am developing an iphone application which uses google Api to draw polylines on map and search area based on the selected area.I caught the click event in google map to show a busy indicator and caught the lineupdated event in to hide the busy indicator,to maintain user experience in slow connectivity.Now the problem is that ,i cant find any method or event to check whether click request to draw the vertex has send or not.If the request failed to send ,the the lineupdated event will not fire and the busy indicator will show always.I tried the following code:
DrawListener = GEvent.bind(map, "click", this, function() { showBusy(); }); GEvent.addListener(poly, "lineupdated", function(latlng, index) { hideBusy(); });
I also tried DrawListener = GEvent.bind(poly, "click", this, function(latlng, index) { showBusy(); });
but this statement is not even calling.Is there any solution to this ... Thanks in advance......