



I have developed an iphone application in which i am encryptind and decrypting data using public and private key. I want to see this keys in the keychain. I got the keychain entry for mac applications under Applications/utilities,But what is the location for iphone simulator keychain and keychain for iphone Os itself on device.

+2  A: 

The iPhone simulator keychain is stored in ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/User/Library/Keychains/ and is in sqlite3 DB format. The location of the file on the device itself is unimportant, as you can only access it through the keychain API (but a path with a few similarities to the simulator path wouldn't surprise anyone).

Graham Lee
Starting with iPhone SDK 3.2, the simulator data is stored in separate directories for each OS version inside `~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator`. For instance if it's the 3.0 simulator that's running, the keychain will be stored in `~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/3.0/Library/Keychains`.
Jean Regisser

You must acces the keychain through the keychain API, just like explained in this example.
