I have 2 tables containing information that i want to search for, a main table, and a comments table. The main table contains timestamps, subjects, etc. While the comments table holds comments for the individual records in the main table. Its basically a simple ticket system.
I need to be able to search for things in the main table and the comments table in the same query. Here is the query I have now:
SELECT DISTINCT d.* FROM ticket_data d, ticket_comment c WHERE
d.subject LIKE '%test%' OR
d.message LIKE '%test%' OR
c.comment LIKE '%test%'
AND c.tid = d.id
This works great for tickets that have comments (c.tid) but if no comments are available, no results are returned. I know this is due to the c.tid = d.id part of the query, but I don't know how to connect the comments with the main without doing that.
Thanks for any help or suggestions on how to make this query better!